Carlos Cavallo is one of the most brilliant men I've met in the dating and relationship business & advice field.
He's been one of my top few mentors as he has personally helped me with my "female" problems. He's also a big reason why I am in this business today PLUS happily married to my beautiful and amazing wife.
Both of us have switched over to helping women. It was a natural progression because we're the ones who taught guys about you.
He UNDERSTANDS men not only because he's smart, open-minded, and thrives on learning and discovering new things, but also because he too has taken the time to explore himself.
I believe this exploration of himself helped him to see EXACTLY what makes men tick, how to attract them, what they respond to, how they communicate, and exactly how to interact with them in amazing ways which compels them to want to commit to you.
I give ANYTHING he creates my full support with very little scrutiny because he's a stand up guy who knows men, dating, relationships, and happy living too.
If you're looking for a unique perspective on men, to take advantage of a man's advice on what men want and need from you, and you're looking for techniques & strategies that are morally sound and quite cleverly written in a way you can actually do that's easy - Carlos Cavallo is certainly the right guy to help you every step of the way.
Here's where you'll find his homepage with lots of great free advice on men:
Quick Links to Carlos's Full Catalog Located Below
The Connection Code - Learn the Secrets Of A Loving, Committed, and Unbreakable Relationship.
How To Read His Signals - 7 Secret Signals He Doesn't Even Realize He's Sending To You - And How To Spot Them.
Irresistible Desire - How To Put Him Under Your Love Spell - The Secret Signal That Gets Him to Instantly Melt For You!
The Cupid Effect - The Cupid Effect Makes Him Desire and Commit To You!
Passion Phrases - Learn How To Ignite His Desire With Words.
The Soulmate Signal - The Shocking Truth About What Men Really Want!
True Romance - Learn how to trigger your man’s Romantic Reflex.
She Wondered If He Was Still In Love With Her...

I have a heartbreaking - yet amazing - story about my friend Kathy - and I think it's something you can relate to.
Late last year, Kathy came over to my house for lunch with me...
When she came in the door, I knew something was up
Her face was red and puffy - you could see she had been crying a lot, but I didn't say anything.
The more we talked, the more closed off her body language became, and the more she looked down, avoiding my eyes
Her shoulders slumped...
Her arms crossed...
After just a couple minutes of small talk, she blurted out:
"Carlos, I think Jim is seeing someone else. I think I'm losing him!"
Jim was her boyfriend, who she had been dating for over 2 years now
She went on a trip to France with him where she expected him to "pop the question" to her in Paris but instead of a proposal, when they got back home he became more and more distant from her.
He talked less about his feelings for Kathy, and he was running hot and cold with her.
He had one foot in and one foot out of their relationship.
Learn the Secrets Of A Loving, Committed, and Unbreakable Relationship - The Connection Code.
Kathy was starting to wonder if he still loved her at all.
Jim had just told her he wanted to "start seeing other people."
Kathy felt isolated and lonely, and didn't know who to turn to, or what to do to fix their relationship.
On top of it all, her father had been diagnosed with cancer in the past year, and Kathy's heart was heavy with sadness and grief.
Now, Kathy said that she had started to worry when it felt like the connection she and Jim shared wasn't as strong anymore
I asked her if she meant his feelings for her, and she said yes, that was part of it but mostly it was the connection she had felt between them.
She even described it:
"Our connection was like this feeling that we've got this wire or beam of light connecting us, between his chest and mine and I can sense when it's dim and cold, or if it's bright and alive. It's like a love-line between us.
When it's bright, I'm happy, and there's no anxiety. No worries.
When it's faint, I feel scared, anxious, and restless. And I know I have to do something to make sure we're okay."
When Kathy told me about what was happening with her and Jim, I thought this could be the perfect time to share some of the new "tricks" I'd discovered about guys.
So I started explaining what Jim was thinking, and why he was acting this way...
Click Here To Discover the Secret that Saved Kathy's Connection to Jim - and Her Relationship!
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What Is He Trying To Tell You?

Have you ever wondered what the heck is going on inside his head?
What's he thinking?
Especially when you notice him noticing OTHER women...
Sometimes even while you're talking to him - for the first time!
Yes, we all know men are visual creatures - but you still can't help wondering if that eye-candy he's checking out is something that you can safely ignore - or if it's a real threat to you - or your relationship...!
Men may not reveal their emotions as quickly as women do, but they do give off signals all the time.
You might have even noticed some of these signals and didn't realize that's what they were.
But if you know what the signals mean, they reveal a "back door" into what he's thinking.
Finally Discover What He Really Wants From You!
Click here For 7 Secret Signals He Doesn't Even Realize He's Sending To You - And How To Spot Them
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The #1 Mistake Women Make...

I just got off the phone with Rebecca - a coaching client and now a close friend.
After 3 years of separation, she's back wit her husband. They're actually falling back in love, and talking about a new baby...
Now, if you had seen Rebecca and her man 3 months ago at the mall, where they had an argument so loud and scary that the police had to escort them out (no joke)...
You would NEVER have thought this was possible.
But Rebecca pulled it off... I gotta hand it to her.
You see, what she discovered was the ONE thing that men desire most of all from women.
And if you think it's that three letter word that starts with S and ends with X ...
Not that at all.
In fact, that's one of the big mistakes right there.
The worst part is that women assume that this is what men want, and ALL they want...
I'll give you a little hint about what he needs -
Men THRIVE on appreciation.
Because it's one of the signals that tells him he's doing things RIGHT.
It's the ONE way he knows he's making you happy, when you appreciate him.
It's also one of the reasons he falls in love in the first place. But, inevitably, the appreciation starts to wane...
And the distance creeps in.
He seems distant...
Hard to reach...
OR - if you're just going out on a first date with him, but things fizzle - and you never hear from him again...
Chances are, you missed showing him THIS secret signal.
Here - let me show you how to stop this from ever happening again...
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Is She Trying To Steal Him Away? How To Handle Competition For Your Man

How to handle the ultimate threat to your relationship: COMPETITION!
"I've been listening to Irresistible Desire. To be honest, it's got to be the best advice product on relationships I've come across.
Thank you.
I have a really odd situation at work. There's a woman at work who it seems like makes a lot of the men fall in love with her (Cleopatra like).
She's not super pretty, she's older and frumpy, but she understands men and shows her vulnerability to them. I feel she's weak but I guess she knows how to let them be a hero.....
So she doesn't have to do the work or have the education and they all do it for her and give her the promotion. Now she's going after the man I've been seeing and I see him falling for her. I know she's a black widow type....and It kills me.
What can I do? Anything?
Other than get a new job and dump the guy. ugh.
- Maryann"
Well, Maryann, you discovered that most frustrating of obstacles to women...
That obstacle is the woman who has tapped into the "Hunter Instinct" that I reveal in this new video presentation:
How To Put Him Under Your Secret "Love Spell".
First of all, yeah, there is something you can do...
But before we even go there - here's what you must NOT do:
Absolutely, positively, do NOT fall into the trap of viewing HER as the enemy.
One of the biggest traps of romance is to get sucked up into the belief that your problem with a man is because of "competition."
(Men make this mistake, too. In fact, I used to.)
This is the easiest way to "victim" yourself out of the man you want... by believing that YOUR lack of success is because of someone else's success.
(Re-read that - it's actually a BIG insight...)
The simple fact is that to not stop and learn why she's got his interest and you don't is the most HUMONGOUS mistake that you can make.
You said it's "killing you..."
Well, inevitably, angry emotions about that "bee-otch" make you easy prey for her.
She doesn't succeed because of HER - she succeeds because of YOU!
Because the way to out-fox the fox is simply to *wait for her to make a mistake!*
Because they *always* do.
And it's the ACE card that very few women can use because their impatience almost always get the better of them. They feel like the opportunity is slipping away, even when it's not.
This "Black Widow" as you call her, is something I refer to more affectionately as a "Natural."
Meaning that she "naturally" understands some of the secret tricks I show you in the Irresistible Desire program.
The problem is that she doesn't know exactly what it is she's doing that's working, so that makes her easy to outsmart.
But where she usually fails is when someone who KNOWS how to unlock his desire can watch and wait for the right opportunity.
The best chess players know how to do this very same technique.
For now, just let her know you're in the game and you're not intimidated.
This will usually make her want to rush it a little. I guarantee you she's used to getting an emotional response from her 'competition' - and when you don't give her it, she'll be shaken up.
And that's where she will make the mistakes that YOU already know about.
All you have to do is focus on the 4 things I told you to use to make him feel like THE MAN.
(Don't worry about making him feel important as much as the other three.)
And be sure to review the first and last video in "The Woman He Wants" section of the program where I talk more about the signals he's looking for.
The beauty of waiting is that it puts you in the driver's seat. You don't have to work very hard, and you'll be in the power position when she slips up.
Don't mistake this for being passive and disappearing from his life - far from it!
You just use the "passive" techniques I show you in the program, and you'll DESTROY her hold on him.
Again, most women will jump in and start to try-hard on him, and wind up scaring him off.
Follow the strategy I give you in my program, and you can lean back and relax as she pushes him BACK into your arms!
If you're reading this right now and you'd like to know my complete blueprint for opening a man's heart and soul to you, then you need to see this video:
Click Here and Learn How To Put Him Under Your Secret Love Spell!
Where I reveal the Secret Signal that he is looking for - the one that opens a man's heart and creates feverish and inescapable feelings of desire for you.
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Men Have a LOVE LAW - Do You Know What It Is?

When it comes to love, relationships, and commitment - there's only one thing that men care about...
The Love Law.
What is the Love Law?
It's the one rule that is programmed into a man's DNA. He can't escape it!
Men have to obey this law - and he usually doesn't even know when it's being triggered in his brain...
This Love Law tells a man the precise moment he's fallen hopelessly in love.
So how does he know when he's in love?
Well, science has finally decoded this genetic control switch - it comes down to a GUT feeling he has...
What are the physical signs of falling in love?
HOW does he feel love, exactly?
Here some signs:
Euphoria - abnormally elevated mood, uplifted self-esteem, extravagant gift giving.
You'll see this one in his body language and walk!
Loss of concentration - Lack of appetite, difficulty sleeping, hard to focus.
Physical Distress - body aches, acute insomnia; sometimes brought on by a "crush".
There are more, but these are the "BIG 3" signals that he's falling for you.
You see, men don't fall in love over time...
It's not a gradual process.
This Love Law is DIRECTLY connected to the physical signals of being LOVE STRUCK.
By something called THE CUPID EFFECT.
Go watch his short video presentation on how to get him to feel THE CUPID EFFECT:
Watch How The Cupid Effect Makes Him Desire and Commit To You!
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Does Friends With Benefits Ever Turn Into LOVE?

My friend Anne texted me last night...
I hadn't heard from her in weeks, but she finally reached out with a simple - but alarming - text:
"Does friends-with-benefits ever turn into love?"
I had to stop and really think about that for a minute. (I'm not one to rush to text someone back - I like to give a thoughtful answer.)
So I finally sent her this:
"Are you the one in love? Or are you hoping HE will fall in love?"
Click Here To Learn How To Ignite His Desire With Words - Passion Phrases
I made an assumption there, sure.
But I knew where Anne's question was coming from.
She fired back this:
"Sigh. I wish I knew if he felt the same..."
It was at this point that I called Anne up and found out that she had made a "booty call" arrangement with a guy she had been out on a few dates with.
They had hit it off in the bedroom, but he still "wanted to see other people."
So Anne had gone along with this "friends with benefits" arrangement - in the hopes that she could sneak in to a FULL relationship through the back door of being a "FWB."
I told her that it can happen, but it's kind of like taking a game like Monopoly, and then changing the rules halfway through.
It's deceptive in a way. Even if you're just trying to create a loving relationship...
A guy can feel "tricked" or manipulated if a woman takes an FWB situation and tries to change it into a serious relationship.
Luckily, though, there IS a way to do it -
IF you know how men think about love...
You can trigger a man to feel like he's falling in love with you - if you know how to make him FEEL in love.
He has to feel something very special
It's called "The Obsession Switch"
Click here Go Watch This Short Video and I'll Tell You All About It
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Which One Of These Women Are You?

If you didn't know - I just sent out a survey asking about what you think about soulmates.
I got some pretty spectacular answers to a very simple question:
"Do you believe in Soulmates?"
So you want to know the truth?
What do most women think?
Here's the first question:
"Do You Believe In Soulmates?"
95% of women said "Yes" or "maybe" with only 5% saying no.
And I have to tell you that those 5% were pretty close to saying "yes" based on their reasons...
Next Question:
"Have you run into him yet?"
This is interesting...
83% said they had.
Some were women who had lost their soulmates, but felt blessed to have encountered him.
Some were women who found him and still had him...
Some were women who might have but weren't sure...
and then there were 17% that hadn't found HIM yet.
Which one are you?
If you haven't found him yet, he might be "on his way..."
If you think you have - then I have to ask you:
Does he see YOU as the ONE?
His one and only...
His soulmate?
Here's a video that will probably shock you about this...
Click here to Watch The Shocking Truth About What Men Really Want
I have something shocking to tell you - and it will change your feelings about men FOREVER
It's a surprising fact about men that most women will probably never know
In fact, you probably won't believe me when you hear it...
... but I have proof
And once you know this incredible but inspiring - truth about men, you'll have an edge over the other women who refuse to believe it...
And love will finally find you
Discover it here:
How To Find and Win The Man Of Your Dreams - The Soulmate Signal
Soulmates might exist - or they might not.
But it doesn't matter once you learn what MEN think about them.
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Flip This Switch in His Head to Make Him Commit.

Are you STILL feeling that classic, why-can’t-men-commit kind of frustration that many other women are also dealing with?
I’ve helped enough women with this problem to tell you that you don’t have to keep getting disappointed by men.
Starting TODAY, you can make a guy give you what your heart truly wants: a romantic, blissful connection that NEVER fades.
The reason why women can’t get their man to commit is because they simply don’t understand how the male mind works.
And that’s where I come in...
Click here to Learn How To Open His Heart and Enchant Him - True Romance
FACT: Studies have proven that men are ACTUALLY just as crazy about love as women - if NOT more!
It’s true:
Most guys are hardwired to find that lady in their life that they can call their own and treat like a QUEEN.
Like you, a typical guy dreams of finding the perfect partner to compliment his qualities and more importantly, "complete him".
But why does it seem like men are doing the complete OPPOSITE of this?
Why do guys seem to vanish into thin air right after sleeping with a girl?
Why do they keep flaking out just when things seem to be going in the right direction?
Where is a man’s so-called deep need for romance when he’s too busy avoiding your calls, voicemails and emails?
The truth is that men can AND will commit to you - but NOT before triggering his "Romantic Reflex".
The reason why some women enjoy lasting relationships and others DON’T is because the latter has NO CLUE how to trigger this hardwired instinct for romance.
Flipping this psychological switch is the ONLY way to knock down that emotional floodgate inside him and make him want to devote the rest of his life to YOU.
Here’s a confession: I USED to be one those guys you’d typically label as a "player" or "commitment-phobe".
But the thing about labels is that they don’t tell the whole story.
In reality, those men just haven’t found the woman who’s triggered their Romantic Reflex!
As someone who’s made that transition, I can tell you EXACTLY what it takes to make a guy put his commitment-evading days behind him…
…and focus ALL his time, affection and love on YOU!
Click HERE to check out my special report to learn how to trigger your man’s Romantic Reflex NOW!
Say Something, Be Heard!