A dating coach for smart, strong, successful women and one of the better writers in the personal growth space.
He is a real, hands-on coach. He has been listening to women on the phone for three hours a day for over a decade and he has incredible insight into what makes men tick and relationships succeed.
That's the "basics" of the man and yes, he IS the real deal.
You're going to notice immediately after reading his articles listed below his upfront and honest attitude with you so there's no need for me to say it or go there. Won't help you anyways.
Here is my personal and professional opinion on Evan and why I believe you WILL be completely satisfied and successful with any purchase you make from him.
If you're struggling with all this "getting out and meeting men" stuff, you want it all from the comfort of your home and computer, hitting the bars and clubs is not for you, and work associates are definitely not included in your dating choices, etc... well...
He actually started in the dating/relationship business through his online material and has perfected it massively along the way.
"One year later, I wrote my first book “I Can’t Believe I’m Buying This Book: A Commonsense Guide to Successful Internet Dating” and launched my first website, e-Cyrano online dating profile writing."
... From About Evan Marc Katz
He'll take you the entire way from profile writing to messaging and beyond, and one of the many perks you get from Evan is, he's like me... a MAN!
I'd say learning how to date online from men who have experienced the male side of online dating is invaluable!
The things we've seen and done. Well actally I don't know what he's done but what he's seen, yeah, how could we miss it! Anyways...
Let's just say OUR male perspective and experience can give you insights which will prove to be an major advantage for you to assure you get the online dating perfected and working for you.
So you got the meeting men online covered from him if that's where you need to go.
Next up...
The amazing but not so magical disappearing act men have been performing for women since the dawn of time.
There are hundreds and hundreds of reasons as to why men pull away, disappear, go silent, refuse to share, and basically be all into you one day or even a minute and unresponsive the next one...
And for you I can understand how FRUSTRATING and ANNOYING it can be.
Enough for me to write a whole book of my own on it too.
If you need ALL the answers as to WHY they perform their magic act - to help you move on, to figure out what went wrong so it doesn't keep happening, to save you from any future pain and suffering, to help you avoid the men who are all-too-good at disappearing at the worst possible time, AND...
How you can use the WHY MEN DISAPPEAR answers in a positive effective way and actually help you "hook in and attract" the right man for you.
This is what I believe is a key ingredient and necessary component to successful coaching...
Being shown how to integrate the skill of turning any negative experience into a positive advantage which goes beyond the "feeling better" mental part and actually becomes new techniques to use everyday.
Here's an odd analogy to show you what I mean but it's spot on...
Imagine I'm going to teach you how to cross a very busy street and you're going to feel amazingly happy and accomplished when you reach the other side.
But for me to assure you get there safely and quickly, I have to teach you how to walk. So not only do you get where you want to go, you get the new skill of walking which can take you anywhere when you get there.
AND you're left to do whatever you choose, because you can go anywhere now and you still get the wonderful feelings of being happy and accomplished too.
It sounds wonderful because it is and that's why Why Men Disappear goes above and beyond what you might expect from just another ebook.
Next up...
Love U and Believe In Love.
One is an EXPERIENCE and the other is a BOOST, among so much more of course.
Experience the University like teachings from freshmen to graduation day. Everything is included. All of his material is available.
(Subject to his changes of course Please visit Evan for more and current information on any and all products.)
Boost yourself and your well-being higher than you might never previously thought impossible as you learn how to believe in love once again and use this new power to succeed.
As you can now see, Evan has you covered EVERY step of the way no matter where you are right now.
He can open up love for you once again and give you the power to succeed.
He can open up a whole new field of single available men to you online and in person too.
He can open a new wonderful future to you by showing you how to use your past and the previous men in your life as an advantage to finding and keeping the best man for you.
He can open the many doors of education from the beginning to YOUR success with an easy to use and navigate online university feel to it all.
Yes, you get to ENROLL into a new life.
Very cool and unique if you ask me.

That's my opinion or write up on Evan.
Check out the posts and products below. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to share with you and for all your support along the way.
Your guy friend,
On Page Advice Articles:
The Secret to Keeping a Man: Forget the Future, Enjoy the Present
Do You Want to Learn the Secret to Keeping a Man Interested in You?
Why Men Don’t Want to Go Out With You Again
How to Keep Momentum Alive With the New Guy You’re Dating
The One Thing You Need to Learn to Stop Getting Hurt By Men Forever
On Page Products:
Do You Want to Learn the Secret to Keeping a Man Interested in You?

You’re on a third date with a guy. He looks you in the eyes, lovingly. He grabs your hand. He offers up a nervous smile. And he says, in a romantic whisper... You know, I’ve been thinking about you a lot since we first met last Tuesday... I feel we’ve got some amazing chemistry that I don’t get very often.
Do You Want to Learn the Secret to Keeping a Man Interested in You?
The Secret to Keeping a Man: Forget the Future, Enjoy the Present

You ever start dating a guy and immediately, you’re walking on eggshells? It’s not that he’s a bad guy or that he’s being inconsistent with you. It’s just that, for the first time in a long time, you’re EXCITED about a man. And because this feeling occurs so infrequently, it’s really got you in a tailspin.
The Secret to Keeping a Man: Forget the Future, Enjoy the Present
How to Keep Momentum Alive With the New Guy You’re Dating

She’s also kind of a guy. In general, women talk to connect. You provide detail, nuance, and emotion to every conversation. You give context, background, clothing choices, and verbatim text conversations. Men don’t operate the same way. Men communicate to get a point across.
Why Men Don’t Want to Go Out With You Again
So if you’ve blown an opportunity with a hot guy because you weren’t able to act at your best, wouldn’t it stand to reason that there’s a great guy out there who wasn’t on the top of his game on your first date?
The One Thing You Need to Learn to Stop Getting Hurt By Men Forever
Given that 99% of men are definitely NOT your future husband, getting upset when this proves to be true is like getting upset that you didn’t win the Powerball. Yeah, it’s unfortunate that you lost, but it’s also quite predictable. Which is why I want you to write this down: No man is real until he’s your boyfriend.
The One Thing You Need to Learn to Stop Getting Hurt By Men Forever
Why He Disappeared

The Real Reason a Man Will Suddenly “Disappear” from Your Life.
We ALL make mistakes and I'm here to tell you that it's okay.
What is NOT okay is to let it slide and not learn something insightful and helpful from them.
The bad choices or decisions we've made in the past can be great tools for a better future.
Why Men Disappear IS that tool you can start using immediately.
Evan, like me, is also a man...
And we BOTH feel learning from a guy about men is the ONLY way to truly understand men.
Finding The One Online

It’s Time To Stop The Way You’ve Been Dating Previously.
Online dating can be a frustrating experience but it doesn't have to be that way.
FACT: Men outnumber the women online by a lot!
You'll quickly find that once you have the right tools and learn a few skills that Even can and will teach you, how much it can work to your advantage.
From profile writing to writing the first emails, all the way up to the dating process...
Finding The One Online and Evan will be with you the entire way.
Believe In Love

Learn How to Live Freely Without Fear and Sadness.
You're ready for Evan to walk you through the 7 easy, chronological steps that he has used for over a decade to help women like you overcome your fears and frustrations in love:
- Let Go of the Past
- Set Realistic Expectations
- Overcome Negativity
- Defeat Your Fear of Failure
- Reframe Your False Beliefs
- Carry Yourself With Confidence
- Take Action Now
It is no exaggeration to say that “Believe in Love” is the most important book I can share with you because it’s essential to your happiness and long-term well-being.
There is no falling in love if you don’t believe in love itself.
After all…
You’ve seen men come and go.
You’ve doubted your own worthiness.
You’ve watched others get happily married.
You’ve questioned your judgment more times than you can count.
You’ve gone to therapy, talked to friends, and listened to dating gurus.
You’ve taken breaks, gotten back out there, and quit once again.
“Believe in Love” is the antidote to all of that – a program, with 17 powerful exercises that will change your tune, boost your confidence, and give you the will to create the safe relationship of your dreams.
Let me know how quickly it gets your confidence back.
It’s time to believe in your own product again. Once you believe, the men you are attracted to will believe as well.
Enjoy Dating, Flirting, and Connecting with Men… And Create Passionate, Unconditional LOVE In 7 EASY steps
Love U

Give Evan 5 Minutes a Day and He Will Give You a Husband!
You can have the relationship of your dreams – and you don’t have to change to do it.
This six month to a lifetime course will take you the entire way.
No more wasting your time on the wrong men!
Get ALL of Evan's material in once place with so much more.
Click Here to Enroll In Love U - Get The Fun, Passionate, Lasting Love You've Always Dreamed About!
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