Written by Rori Raye, author of Have The Relationship You Want.
If you're at all like me, a predictable thing happens to you when you start dating a new man you like.
At first, you're all excited, there's a spring in your step, and you feel all aglow. People ask you what you've done differently.
But then, as you get to know him and become even more interested and invested in him, something else happens...
You start to think about him all the time, you begin to worry that you might mess things up, and you're constantly wondering what he's thinking about you.
You talk about him with all of your friends, dissecting his every move.
But there's no harm in it, because he knows nothing about this - right?
Over-Thinking Changes Your Vibe.
When you think about a man too much, several things happen.
Emotionally, you become drained from all the analyzing. You have less energy for the other things in your life - the passions and people that made you the person he was attracted to in the first place.
At the same time, your self-esteem goes down.
Because you start hanging your self worth on whether or not things will work out with this one guy.
You go from the carefree, spirited woman you are to a fearful, worrying creature. And it shows.
Believe it or not, a man can sense when you're doing all this internal acrobatics about him.
Your thoughts affect your feelings and your mood.
But telling yourself to stop thinking about him isn't so easy.
You need a two-pronged approach:
A way to stop yourself from focusing all your attention on one man too soon... and a Tool to boost your self-esteem so that you're being your most attractive you.
Whatever You Do - Don't Stop Dating!
Once you've found a man you think is a potential keeper, it's tempting to clear out your calendar for him and not even consider other dates.
But this is exactly what makes you become fearful and worried about whether he's going to call and what's going to happen next.
You can't stop thinking about him, and he'll pick up on the fact that you're hinging on his every move.
That's why you absolutely need to keep connecting with other men and going out on dates with them. When you do, you're immediately taking the pressure off both you and the guys you're seeing.
It will stop you from over-thinking about any one man, which means you won't have that clingy, fearful, unattractive vibe I talked about before.
The fact that you're online dating means you have a fantastic Tool at your disposal to keep yourself from prematurely cutting off your options.
Use it!
Think Of Yourself As THE Prize.
Often, and especially when we meet a man we think could really be "it," something inside us immediately starts to sabotage it.
It's what I like to call the "nasty voice," and I'm sure you're familiar with it - it's that negative-thinking part of you that says you aren't good enough to have all the love you deserve from a truly wonderful man.
Well, you do.
And since I like visual Tools, I want you to think of your favorite dish.
Let's say it's chocolate cheesecake.
Think of everything you love about chocolate cheesecake and what makes it so wonderful.
Who wouldn't want a piece of that?
Same goes for you.
Now, whenever you are feeling overcome by feelings of inadequacy, I want you to immediately think of that dessert and say to yourself,
"I am the chocolate cheesecake!"
I know this sounds silly, but believe me - it works.
It's so silly, that it will instantly lighten your mood and hence your vibe, so that you really do loosen up and become instantly more attractive.
It's similar to what happens when you're walking down the street and you're remembering that great kiss you had with your guy.
Instantly, a smile washes over your face and people want to know:
"What did you do differently?"
There are specific things you can do to raise your self-esteem that will make you irresistible to a man.
You'll discover even more effortless ways to let a man know he's lucky to have you.
You'll discover a whole new way of relating to men that will make you feel better about yourself while you find the relationship of your dreams.
My FREE NEWSLETTER is packed with tools and advice to help you connect to your man, inspire his love and devotion, and finally have the relationship you want... starting today!
About Rori Raye:

Rori is a relationship coach who helps women create more loving relationships through the techniques she teaches in her live seminars, online relationship advice products and one-on-one coaching sessions with clients.
She turned her own miserable and painful love life around to the glorious, happy marriage she’s enjoyed with her husband of 25+ years, and now she shares her secrets with a million women who actively engage with her in her newsletters.
Click Here To Sign Up For Rori's Free Have The Relationship You Want Newsletter
Have The Relationship You Want

The Have the Relationship You Want eBook will teach you how to have a dream relationship with a man by letting go of control and expressing more of your natural feminine energy.
It reveals how to express vulnerability and communication of heart-felt feelings to make a man fall deeply in love and stay in love forever.
The powerful techniques in the eBook will help you to transform your love life practically overnight.
You’ll learn to connect to a man’s heart by trusting your boundaries, following your feelings, and saying just the right words to inspire devotion and desire.
Click Here To Be Shown How You Can Have the Relationship You Want.
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