Have I really figured out what makes a guy fall in love and what MUST happen for him to feel it?
Yes I have and this is EXCLUSIVE just for you. I reveal exactly what a man thinks about and his addiction for you is created within him.
The situation is typical.
Imagine a guy at work who sees either a new woman or first notices her and this is how his thought process goes plus what happens to him.
These are the thoughts of a typical TYPE TWO guy (doesn’t get women) when he meets a woman he’s into, they become “friends” and she ends up sleeping with a TYPE ONE guy, she falls in love and then tells him about it.
Here's the link to get the book where I can give you what you need to know about the two types.
The "man thoughts" below are a bit dramatic and it may seem far-fetched but trust me, with or without her sleeping with the other guy, it’s more common than you might ever believe.
Make sure you read it all and the next post too because it’s going somewhere special. It's not something you'll want to miss:
“Woah look at her! She’s hot. Wow and a perfect ass. Shit, I can’t stop staring at her butt. Wait! She’s turning to look me.
She smiled…did she catch me…I wonder what it’s like to have a girlfriend like that? Oh…here it comes. Here’s comes “Johnny.” Bet she likes him.
Now two more guys are talking to her. I bet she could have all of them if she wanted.
And yep, of COURSE she’s flirting with “Johnny.” She’s playing right into his act. Why do Chics fall so easily for the one guy who is the obvious player.
But look at her…damn!
She’s looking at me again…WHY!!! After all, she’s flirting with every guy. They all want her. Why would she want anything to do with me?
(…I wonder what she feels like. The shape of her body. They eyes looking back at me…)
Here she comes…yes! No. What do I do? I know I’ll play it all cool.
Ahhh she likes it. I think she’s hitting on me. I’m NOT going to flirt back like those other guys. They’re pathetic and creepy. I’m going pretend I don’t want her at all. She’ll like that.
But here comes the other guys. Now they want to talk to me about her. Discussing every part of her body and what they would to her, what I know one of them will get to do. Probably not me. I’ll just listen to them talk.
That way I won’t be one of them…she’ll like that even though she’s not here to even see it. Then again – what’s the point anyways.
Finally – We have some alone time. Just me and her. I can finally show her how I’m better. How I won’t objectify her body. How I can like her for who she is and not just for her body. I’m not going to let THIS one slip away.
But I have to act fast. I don’t want “Johnny’s Seconds.”
I CAN’T BELIEVE I just thought that. I called her freaking “seconds.” Now I FEEL LIKE A PIECE OF SHIT!
I know… I’ll make it up to her by acting extra nice. I’ll do something for her. I learn everything I can about her. That way I’ll know exactly what she’s looking for and what he wants.
Those other guys don’t know a thing about her and here I am – learning about her dreams and aspirations. Haha! They’re clueless. I’m definitely in."
...Several months or even weeks later...
"I can not believe how close we’ve gotten. This is awesome. She actually comes to me now. She tells me everything…
Excuse me…
You did WHAT? You slept with Johnny!!!!
I’m sorry. I know he’s bad. I knew he was a player.
Oh but he’s not…he’s really a nice guy. He cares about you?
I don’t know why he does those things…WHAT ABOUT ME!!!!! YOU FREAKING WON’T DATE ME?
Oh he’s only affectionate when you’re alone? BUT YOU WON’T EVEN TOUCH ME? I WOULDN’T LET YOU GO FOR ANYTHING.
You’re only looking for a good guy but you always end up with the jerks who don’t seem to love you back as much?
But I love you. Be my girlfriend. Please. You know how I feel ’bout you. No one knows you better than me? I want more than just a friendship. You’re incredible. I want you. I’ll treat you like you deserve to be treated. I haven’t slept with a thousand girls.
I don’t enjoy making you cry…
Still with me…
Some of you might have read the post his thoughts was originally posted on and we’re going to continue from there because I left out some CRITICAL information and you’re going to get it all because you’re here with me now.
Here’s the post again if you’d like to leave a comment or read the beginning:
Reading His Mind, Why Do Some Guys Try Way Too Hard to Get You?
Today's inside look into a guy's mind is a very DANGEROUS one.
It's quite revealing and even a little scary when you're shown the actual thoughts that go on inside a man's mind as it relates to you.
In his mind it's much worse because it can become so emasculating that he's apt to retreat deep inside his thoughts refusing to NEVER reveal them to anyone!
Hence the quietness you might experience from him...
Self-Promo ALERT!
So... If you're getting a lot that annoying "quietness" from a guy, or you keep getting too close to men who just won't open up to you the way you'd like... My book will tell you why:
Why Men Go Silent, Ignore You, Refuse or Won’t Share Their Feelings
Back to our regularly scheduled post:
Some guys will pretend it doesn’t happen.
Some guys will act out based on it.
Others will go so deep inside their head that they rarely see a way out and get stuck there for a lifetime or less.
But that’s not the dangerous part. Maybe it is for him, but not for you.
The part that is dangerous for your peek inside a man's mind is that you can now connect with a man this way and unfortunately, connecting with his mind will not produce the results you're looking for:
Wrong Way #1: The Logical Road (MIND)
"You can shine during a discussion and you have a lot in common. You'll impress a man and make him enjoy your company, but you may feel disappointed to learn that he feels no CHEMISTRY.
That's because when you try to connect with a man through his mind, he doesn't FEEL a thing!
Oh, he may "enjoy being with you", but he just never gets TOUCHED by you in a deep, connected, emotional sense.
He never feels like he's about to lose control of himself and fall in love."
Remember from the case above how they became friends and that is not what he wanted with her...
What if the roles were reversed?
What if you do want him but you ended up in his friend's zone because of his failure to act because he was only getting friendship vibes from you?
You connected with his mind, made a friend, and nothing more.
I do hope you can now see just how important it is from the moment you meet a man and beyond, to get it right IF you're looking to turn a lovely conversation into something more magical, physical, and chemically exciting.
To truly connect with a man on an INTIMATE level a few things must be in place.
To truly connect with a man on an INTIMATE level a few things must be in place.
He must be made to feel open and SAFE enough with you to share them in a different way.
That man above held back for his own reasons.
Other guys will do the same for their own but very similar reasons.
You could all too easily find yourself falling for one of them and so frustrated because you just can not find a way to open him up after his mind goes there.
You must open him up by sharing your feelings the right way.
The attractive way.
The woman above shared all her feelings to a guy she felt nothing for so it's all good, but if she did it that way to a guy she DID want, I guarantee she would've pushed him far away.
Something you can easily see if you're looking from the outside but much tougher when you're immerged in it.
It's the ones you don't know about or unaware of that are more likely to push men away or cause their silence.
What can be equally harmful is WHAT you're sharing can have the same effect on a guy or produce the same results.
It comes down to this:
What you're sharing and how you're sharing it combine together to either connect with him and to deeper or in a different less intimate way.
So if you've been sharing away, clear about your needs to a guy, giving it all away, being what you feel is open and honest AND yet you still find yourself pushing what seems to be right guy away, it's because you're not doing in a way which brings him closer.
AND it's not really your fault.
It feels right, doesn't it. It "should" be right.
Where's all the fairness here?
You should be able to be open to a guy without having to worry about scaring him away, right?
Well unfortunately it doesn't work that way.
Yes, it's not fair but if you get yourself caught up in the "should-s" of it all you won't be any closer to finding the answer.
The problem is that you're sharing it all based on your female perspective and how "she " sees it and not according to what actually attracts a male and brings them closer.

If you want to know exactly how it's done then pick this up for about $20 - Have The Relationship You Want and Rori Raye will show you how it's done.
She's figured it all out for you. There are more ways to do it wrong than there are right so it's not something you want to guess your way through it:
Click Here to Transform Your Love Life & Have The Relationship You Want
Step-by-step instructions into his heart by showing how to connect with him in a way which will allow you to open up more and express who you really are and what you really want from him.
But Hey...
It's certainly NOT all on you.
He's doing the same thing, actually most every guy is, except it's coming from their male or masculine perspective and how they see and interpret things.
I want you to understand ALL men better so please:
Read the inner dialogue above again and answer these questions to yourself or leave a few them in the comment section:
- What is the first thing that comes to your mind?
- How are you relating to it based on your experiences with reading men?
- What does it mean to you - do you think reading his mind will make a difference in your life?
- What do you think he is really saying or how would you interpret his private thoughts?
NOW... here's the FUN part...
Erase it all from your brain!
You must not confuse what are the real important elements of his inner dialogue.
You must not believe them to be facts and logic or interpret them in that way.
You must go beyond the logic of it all to produce the FEELINGS which are derived from them, how they came to the surface to dictate his actions or lack thereof, and how the answers can help you in...
Creating a connection that can turn into anything you want, up to and even including a real long-term commitment.
Read it a third time but this time I want you to IMAGINE what he is FEELING.
Look beyond his words.
Study where his emotions are coming from and notice how he is creating them all by himself.
This is what I call his PROCESS and even without anything more from you, it will happen.
He will create it all on his own and most of the time, you don't want to interrupt or stop that process from progressing naturally.
It works best that way because that is how you can and will connect with a man on an INTIMATE level.
No – it’s not easy so don’t get down on yourself if you’re not getting it right away. It’s normal for it to take a few tries.
This is how I see it from a male perspective related to as many feeling as I can get out:
He felt all this AND more:
A compulsion to stare. Like he couldn’t help himself.
He experienced “future” feelings as he thought about what it would be like to be with her, his attraction.
He felt angry, jealous, helpless, and even a little hopelessness.
He doubted himself. He felt unsure. He felt at some point that he was not good enough for her.
He felt imaginative as he tried to see her in his mind’s eyes being intimate with her, which meant he felt a sensation of intimacy too.
He then felt even more unsure, confused and not confident in what to do about all the feelings he was experiencing.
He, at some point, decided to only let on to her that he was “cool”, relaxed, in control, and comfortable as he tried to erase the nervousness but he was undoubtedly feeling anxious and nervous.
He then experienced fear and was worried as he believed he could easily be misjudged and screw it up.
He was concerned she would see him as something he “feels” is not fair, as if he's just like every other guy she meets and men hate being judged that way.
He then felt angry at himself for believing he had demeaned her, likened her to as just another body. He felt like he was treating her like a trophy, a non-female thing, just a prize.
He lost a small feeling of respect for himself at which point he decided to make up for it. He would become even more respectful to her. More mindful at what SHE wanted or would like.
This even happened when she was not around as noted when he began to feel guilty while talking to his friends; and the guilt tried to stop him from saying anything about her or agreeing to with what they were saying.
As the guilt progressed more bad thoughts crept in his head.
Weird feelings.
Feelings he thought he should not have which caused him later to be EXTRA nice to her and made a judgement and a clear conscious effort to learn all he could about her.
While in that process he felt and became more curious.
He started making and taking mental notes so he could later give her what would please her or what he believes would make her feel something back.
This was yet another attempt to do everything within his power to not appear like every other guy" in her eyes.
He so desperately wanted to feel SPECIAL to her and it was showing up in all is feelings.
During this stage, as time went on, his confidence became FALSE or not real because he believed he was acting “better” than the other guys, thus giving him a better chance of being with her.
While engaging her in this “new” manner a feeling of more comfort around her grew.
He felt CLOSER to her.
They shared private thoughts which in turn made him feel more CONNECTED to her.
This "new" connection was not in his mind, it had now moved or was produced in his heart.
This is what he believed and FELT making it very important in connecting with a man in this way.
He began to helpless, despair, hopeless, confused, angry, hurt, etc.. which led him to start questioning anything and everything about what was happening to him.
This led him to an inevitable conclusion about her, a woman he has not yet to be even intimate with in any way.
He equated it all with an exclamation, in fact more of a declaration of his LOVE for her.
He exclaimed: BE MY GIRLFRIEND!
He had given her his commitment before a relationship or anything even close leading up to one.
He wanted, no... longed to make her happy.
He even wanted to make sure she never cried or felt sad by doing whatever he could to make it all good for her.
A belief backed by his feeling that she DESERVED it and only the BEST and he wanted to be the ONLY one to give it all to her.
He even went so far as comparing himself to not sleeping with other women (claiming he’s not that type of guy) as proof he wouldn’t ever dare dream of cheating on her.
He was – for all intensive purpose…
Feeling in LOVE and COMMITTED and she did absolutely NOTHING to get him there.
In fact she did what you would expect would push him away but it didn’t, because he was already there and once he’s there, going back is not an option for most men.
They may act differently after but the feelings and the process they went through to get them there takes a very long time to unwind, if that is even possible at thats point because men hold on to feelings for a very, very, very long time.
In this discussion or breakdown of a guy’s emotional process, somewhere in the all that “junk” I've just uncovered for you is a big THE secret to getting a man to fall in love with you, or any woman who triggers the right stuff, at the right time, and most importantly, in the right way.
You should also be able to see his NEEDS. Not all of them but most of what a man NEEDS to be emotional charged enough to fall in love.
The full explanation of his inner thoughts as they relate to his needs will be covered in the next post so be sure to open it up and give it a read.
I realize that I’ve left the door way open here.
You might feel a little confused.
You might also feel like it’s all a bit too much work.
HOW do you get a guy you actually DO want to cycle through all those emotions and feelings and then equate them to love and commitment and then have him relate or connect it to you?
I’ll admit THAT is the tougher part.
First you must be in touch with YOURSELF and your emotions, your feelings, your needs.
Then you must learn how to express them to him in a way which brings him closer, opens him up, and allows the process happen all by itself.
Done right, under most typical situations – it will happen naturally.
A man left to his own thoughts and feelings WILL get there.
I understand you might want the answers right now or (as in yesterday already) then you have a few more options from the very same people who introduced me to this connection stuff.
I worked out the feelings part above, Rori can show you how to use it to connect with a man:
Rori gives you step-by-step instructions into his heart by showing how to connect with him – there – and not through his mind, body, or soul.
She shows you how to do it in a way which allows you to open and express who you really are what you really want.
The link above will give you all the information you need.
It you want some free advice from the creator you can sign up to Rori Raye’s Newsletter right here.
Enough said today.
You have a lot of stuff to process and work through on your own.
Don't be afraid to read it a few times.
I've written a second part to this post as I relate it all to what a guy NEEDS to feel IF you're to connect with him on an emotional level so make sure you read it next.
I'll see you there.
Opening image by: Andrea Piacquadio