I‘ve been more than just seeing a girl for about 2 years. You know the whole exclusive thing and all.
Well we recently broke up and now it’s time to move on.

If you’ve recently had to say goodbye to a man and you want him back Wait! Before You Try To Win Him Back…Learn From My Last Two Breakups by clicking here. Located at The Approach
I feel like I’m in relationship mode. Like my “game” isn’t what it was. Like I lost the edge I had… and on top of that I feel like going out to enjoy a few casual affairs.
But doing that is much harder when you’re in relationship mode, isn’t it?
You start searching for women who are young, easy, but show no signs of wanting you back.
Maybe it’s the guilt – a self-fulfilled prophecy – because you feel bad having lost someone so close.
Almost like a mourning phase with the anger, regret, then acceptance thing.
You want to make it more real by giving the separation enough time to prove to your “nice” self that you gave it all.
I imagine if we suddenly end a long term relationship and then immediately sleep with a few women it sort-of degrades the past experience. De-valuing what it meant.
So if we hold off a little – give it time to settle in – it feels like it meant more.
It’s our little way of NOT admitting we were wrong AND how we DID try hard enough.
What I see, right now, as men we’re destined to stay in relationship mode for a period after a separation.
We become more nurturing to the women we meet destroying attraction and lowering our self-confidence just a little.
Then we get angry for doing those stupid things. Like someone stole the identity we had before the relationship…
And now we have to claw our way to back to who we were before the whole thing started.
With all that we find ourselves trying way too hard. We contact a few past girlfriends for anything we can get from them.
We end up making so many more mistakes and each one of them seems like an idiot thing to do – or like it means more now.
But it doesn’t – does it?
Who cares if we screw it up with a girl and you don’t find her in your bed within a night or a week.
Who cares if we say the wrong thing, act a little skittish, or run out of things to say.
Hey – men and women do that stuff all the time and putting pressure on ourselves is unfair.
I’ve found this whole “attraction game” at some point seem like we’re supposed to be these perfect little men – and then we become the ultimate man where women are beating down our doors the like they do with the “naturals.”
Here’s the truth:
In fact being perfect actually pushes women away. No woman with any real self-esteem wants to feel inferior to you or me.
The whole dominance – submissive thing is important but there’s a clear distinction between “inferior” and “submissive.”
One’s a female role – a sexual thing – a relationship side. The other is someone trying to achieve superiority over someone else by making them feel inferior.
What goes on in a man’s mind after a breakup, yes depends on the whole “why” or “what caused it” and is slightly based on the residual feelings left dangling close enough to emotionally grab again…
BUT based on my own experience our thoughts linger for some time. We search for our identity. We think about the bad, the good, and sometimes all the things we could’ve done different.
If we wait – we give it more value and it means more in the end.
If we don’t wait – we’re distracting ourselves and searching for an escape. Something to make any of the pain dissipate quicker and easier even if it’s just for a night.
In somewhat “normal” breakups, if there is something like that, men, including me DO experience a loss and although we may show it differently what goes on in our mind is a break from “relationship” mode.
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It’s been 3 months since my ex broke up with me.
He moved outisde the country for work and recently posted a cheek to cheek picture with a female colleague.
It bothers me that even after we had such a cordial break up (no fights, yelling, name calling, stalking etc), he didn’t have the heart to understand that this action of his will hurt me even though we are not together anymore.
Do guys ever think back? Do exes (like me) ever cross their minds?
Do you think men every think of wanting to get back with someone they broke up with?
Would like to know your thoughts, thanks
Hi Nivi,
I would say, yes. Men think about getting back with their “ex” all too often. However I won’t say he’s thinking about getting back with you. That’s behind me and the information I have.
Just like everyone else (including women) we’re all guilty of doing something which hurts someone. Sometimes we forget or don’t think things through.
Yes, it sucks but it’s an unfortunate part of relationship break ups. You can’t assume he’s suffering less just because broke up with you either.
I know it’s tough but you must realize he can not avoid living his new life because you might be watching or happen to see something which perhaps, you should avoid if the break up is still fresh in your mind.
It seems to me that if something he does might hurt you, and you had a “casual” breakup, then I would definitely avoid putting yourself through it all by distancing yourself and allowing yourself to fully recover.
I do hope you get over him soon because three months is a long to still be thinking he might change his mind.
This may not be what you wanted to hear, but I do believe it’s what you needed to hear and I of course do wish you a speedy recovery,