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Why Do Guys…?

Recommendations and Opportunities for Building Relationship Success

The happiest couple don’t take their relationships for granted. They seek knowledge and always look for better ways to communicate.

Support yourself first and be selfish in your learning.

Question everything and never settle to seek knowledge and understanding from just one person.

When it comes to something as important as the relationship with yourself and the special men you want or wish to keep in your life, explore ALL opportunities:

I’ve pulled together an ever growing list of promotional material with YOU in mind.

…. Peter White


Carlos Cavallo – Dating Advice Guru for Women


Carlos and I both spent years giving advice to guys and have moved on to the other side. He was my second teacher.

I’m not sure if he would admit it or not, since we haven’t spoken in a couple of years, but I believe what we pass on to guys CAN help you locate, detect, understand, and attract guys with amazingly strong attractive qualities.

If you begin to notice a guy is doing exactly what we teach AND he’s doing a good job of it – number one… it means he’s definitely interested in you AND two:

We teach guys to be REAL men with character and quality. We teach the so-called lower 90% exactly how to be a very rare valuable man.

When guys develop a uniqueness within the programs… you know he’s done the work for himself, he’s determined and capable, he understands women and wants to know YOU personally, and I’d say you’ve probably found a pretty decent “cool” guy.

After years of learning about men…

Carlos is ready to pass on that wonderful knowledge so women everywhere can truly connect with guys:

How To Read His Signals – Inexpensive video tutorial on reading a guys signals. Optional Insiders Club Membership is offered so make sure you read the print and click the right boxes on your “secure order” screen.

Forever Yours – Password To His Heart – Make Him Love You Video – How to open his heart and make him love you video presentation. Designed for women who want a “step-by-step system on how to understand everything he’s thinking & feeling, break through his shell, and connect with him on a deep emotional level…”

The Connection Code. Intro ( article only ) explains 3 Connection Secrets About Men You Need To Know! It’s a quick easy to read but informative article. Follow through on the bottom for the product video. 3 Ways men test you video presentation leads you into the product sales pitch. Clever video filled with great info too.. Some Women Are Cookies – Some Are Broccoli – Which One Are You?

Irresistible Desire – The Secrets of Addictive, Unconditional Love And Complete Devotion. Carlos’s best product so far gives you everything you need to capture the right man’s heart. A Secret Way to Make Men Desire You Video is definitely worth watching. Be sure to check out all the bonuses making this a very powerful tool. From boyfriend training, a man-speak translator, body language, texting, desires, sins, and tons more. This is only for women who want it ALL.


Evan Marc Katz – Understand Men – Find Love


Evan’s video intro will teach you…

3 Secrets To Learn What Men REALLY Think About You… And The Key To A Happy, Healthy, Committed Relationship!

  • Heels reveal how to have a happy, healthy committed relationship.
  • Figuring out if he’s a player or a keeper.
  • How to know what men really think about you.
  • How to Attract confident men by doing nothing.
  • How to make him feel devoted without changing anything about you.
  • 3 Reasons why men disappear.
  • Sit back and let him do the work for you…

Evan Marc Katz – Understand Men – The Key To A Happy, Healthy, Committed Relationship

I personally recommend Evan for women who are ready to start a new healthier pattern of dating and relationships which are fun and much more rewarding.

He will help you to “stop looking back and start looking ahead” to create a happier future.

An amazing value, awesome guarantee, packed with incredible insights to understand men better.


Christian Carter – Catch Him and Keep Him

Christian Carter is for any woman who wants to learn the inner-workings of the male mind.

If you have lots of questions about men and they all seem to start with “WHY?” then his advice may be perfect for you.

Whether you’re just dating a guy, in a committed relationship or even married, I believe Christian understands men, how we think, what we want from you, and exactly how our attraction works.

I will admit, in everything I write there’s a piece of Christian in it.

I personally recommend Christian for women who want to “sample the merchandise first” ( by signing up to his free newsletter ) AND for those of you who truly want a man’s perspective which has been time-tested, polished, and proven to work.

Click Here To Sign Up and Receive Christian’s Free Relationship Advice Newsletter and get great advice BEFORE you ever spend a dime.


Rori Raye – “How To Manual” For Connecting To His Heart!


Rori teaches love and being the possible version of yourself.

Learn the “secret psychology” of what makes a man fall in love and keeps him hooked for the long term…

In Rori’s free Relationship Advice e-letter, you’ll learn:

  • How to use specific words and body language so he’ll feel magnetically drawn to you
  • What to do if he’s withdrawing or getting distant in order to easily trigger romance in him and bring him close again
  • How to avoid the common mistakes that will make him become distant and resist love
  • How to get his attention FAST so he’ll be “chasing” you and thinking about you night and day
  • How to raise your self-esteem and confidence so you can be yourself and naturally attract him to you

You’ll also learn how to EXPRESS your feelings and really connect with a man and inspire his love… AND how to create a relationship that satisfies you in ways you never dreamed possible.

I recommend Rori for those of you who want to learn about communication with yourself and to the man in your life.

Her strategies and techniques will help open you up and teach you ways to open a man’s heart to love you back.

Rori is about strengthening and improving your relationship and is best suited for those of you who are already in committed relationship and want to not only keep it, but make it last longer, feel better, and grow forever.

You have to sign up to her newsletter in order to pick her best seller up for yourself. It has helped countless women for years now and your relationship could be her next triumph.

Click Below To Receive Rori’s Relationship Advice e-letter:

Rori Raye – A complete how-to manual for connecting to his heart


David Wygant – Connect With His Desires


David’s attitude and energy is infectious… plus he knows us guys too.

And that helps, doesn’t it? :)

He’s recently narrowed down what he offers and I believe it was a good thing. He combined about ten different products into three “transformation” features and I’m positive you’ll find them very helpful in understanding men and attracting the right one too.

I recommend any of David’s products to women who want to feed off his energy, who need some quick boosts with the right information.

Powerful self-love from a romantic realist, his reputation is solid and proven itself from well over a decade worth of giving advice to men and women.

If you’re looking for a direction and feel you need to be invigorated to keep you learning and growing as a women determined to get the right men in your life… definitely watch his intro videos posted below.

How to find the right men, how to connect with them, and how to make them fall head over heels in love with you. He reveals some very powerful techniques that make you the kind of woman men can not resist, and would do anything to date. Connect With Him.

If you’re sick of having your heart crushed by man-boys, and feel ready to find “the one,” you’ll want to listen to every word David has to say. What Men Desire. This one is clearly about understanding men.

Literally – mind blowing sex! How To Tell A Man What You Want In Bed. If you crave passion and intimacy and firmly believe making love is an emotional connection I’d go check this one out. This one’s about turning any man you want into the best lover of your life.


Claire Casey – Steps To Make Any Man Fall Madly In Love With You?


Dear Claire,

I’ve been in a relationship for 6 months, but he seems to move really slowly. He told me that he noticed me 4 years back (we work at the same firm), and that when I started here he always looked out for me (not in a stalking way). He told me that he just had to take charge to say hi and officially meet me, and we have been together since then.

Just to give you an idea on him, he’s been with the same firm for 20 years. He is happy in his job, yes he did move up in the ranks and did make a name for himself. He told me he likes routine a lot and does not make hasty decisions.

I one time asked him why he holds back so much and he replied that he wants to make sure of what he wants…because he ‘s been hurt before. I also got hurt before, but I am not holding back…

Your program Capture His Heart started me thinking on do I want to commit to this guy, if he’s like this in our relationship now how will this be if he ever asks me to get married?

What I would like to know…. am I wasting my time with this guy or is he just really slow?

Thanks, Marie

Hi, Marie –

You’re dating a quiet, slower man, and they have their own advantages and disadvantages, and depending on what YOU want out of a relationship I think they can make pretty awesome partners.

Here’s why…

The big advantages:

A quiet, slow man is usually very stable, not just emotionally, but also (very frequently) financially. For some people, this is a huge benefit.

In other words, you get to be the dynamic, whirlwind person and he provides the grounding for that. You won’t be competing with him for attention, either.

Also, a man with a slow, deliberate approach can be quite a pleasure in the bedroom :) He’ll take the time to get you where you want to go.

The potential problem:

The reason some women don’t like the slower-paced guys is because it just takes them forever to make a move! You might get frustrated at having to wait on him all the time. And if you’re hoping to commit within a short time-frame, you might have to pass this guy on by.

But not necessarily!

Men secretly yearn for commitment and marriage and in Capture His Heart And Make Him Love You Forever, I teach you how to turn that yearning into a truly primal need.

Slow-paced guys are usually pretty happy for you to lead on making moves, for one thing. So be SURE to communicate openly and clearly with him on the important stuff. This means you have to know what you want, of course, so if you’re not clear, GET clear.

And when it comes to commitment, the key to working with a man like this is to let him know your time frame. If you hope to get married within a year after starting to date someone, you need to be able to let him know this in a non-threatening way.

Best to you, Marie!


If you’re sick of “Bad Boys,” “Players,” and guys who just won’t commit, you need to go watch this  new video renowned relationship expert Michael Fiore put up.

It’s called “3 Steps To Make A Man Love You” and it teaches you how to make a man not just “fall” for a you…

But to actually make him obsessed with you so HE decides he WANTS to be serious…

Make him powerfully addicted (in a really good way) to you!


Are Your Shy? Do Guys Make You Feel Self-Conscious Or Nervous?

I’ve done a lot of research on your shyness and this unique system seems to have the answers you’re looking for, to cure your shyness once and for all:


I believe it’s time you stop listening to the same old advice which so far, have not done you any good. Start curing your shyness and STOP waiting for HIM to approach you.

Click below or on the image to the right and research this wonderful and effective product by Sean Cooper:

My personal disclaimer and promise: Every link on this page may earn me a compensation. I’m NOT paid directly to support their material and I’m only given promotional material to use which generally highlights their features, benefits and helps me to better understand the nature of each individuals product. Please – as always – question everything – read the fine print. Whereas I stand behind my recommendations I can not and will not ever guarantee it will work for everyone but I can promise you they offer a better understanding which will almost certainly enlighten you with knowledge. Remember – if it wasn’t for people like this I would NOT have succeeded myself… Thanks for listening and the best of luck to all of you… Pete

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