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David Wygant

David’s inspiration and energy can lead to better success and help you understand men better.

David Wygant has the right attitude and incredible energy which can be inspiring, infectious, and altogether brutally honest, but mostly in a good way.

There, consider yourself warned and beware, his topics do incite the masses but I believe that’s a good thing because…

Sometimes hitting the right nerve at the right time leads to discussion we ALL can learn from. Especially when it comes to open the lines of communication between the sexes.

Did I also mention he knows MEN.

He’s been teaching guys about you for years and as the story goes, was the real inspiration for the movie, “Hitch” which appeared on the screen in 2005. Yes, he’s been around that long.

David and I share a certain honesty and although I can not vouch for him completely, ( I’m theorizing here ) we believe in people and give them enough credit to be secure enough to handle the truth, respect the one who is giving it, AND if they’re willing enough to change themselves for the better they’re also more open to hearing a different real perspective.

What all that “jargon” means is…

David Wygant and I both believe you ARE strong enough to handle your reality and our opinions on how we see it, and that means you ARE capable of completely changing your life, your dating habits, your relationships, your sex life, and your overall general happiness with who you are.

A common problem I’ve seen from the single women who come to “Why Do Guys…?” is finding, meeting, and connecting with real genuine quality men who care less about playing games and more about building a real life filled with genuine assertiveness and a masculinity which not over-bearing but down right irresistibly attractive.

If that’s the type of guy you’re looking for but you’re wondering where they all are AND when you do meet that rare man you tend to shrink away because you don’t believe a guy like that can possibly fall in love with you then my first suggestion would be to get this:

Connect With Him

It’s about, “How to find the right men, how to connect with them, and how to make them fall head over heels in love with you. He reveals some very powerful techniques that make you the kind of woman men can not resist, and would do anything to date.”

If just understanding men has been a serious problem for you and you believe it’s the main reason you keep ending up with immature men, losers, guys who play with your heart, guys who disappear all too easily, and it’s making you believe your just don’t know what real men want and desire then my recommendation would be to get this one:

What Men Desire

Maybe you do have a great guy and although you love him, he just doesn’t understand you sexually. Perhaps you’ve been willing to look past that part because you know relationships are not all about orgasms and loud moaning into the night BUT…

It’s not only the “missing out on great sex” which hurts you a little, what is really hurting you is that you believe it’s hurting HIM so much inside to not be able to please you that sooner or later, bigger problems because of this lack of intimacy or even his manhood seem to be waiting around the corner destined to ruin your relationship.

And you’re not willing to lose a great guy just because he can’t perform…

If you crave passion and intimacy and firmly believe making love is an emotional connection get this immediately:

How To Tell A Man What You Want In Bed

It’s not just about you but will also show you how to turn ANY man you want into the best lover of your life.

*Do you sometimes feel like men are a giant mystery and wish someone would just tell you what moves to make? Here’s the thing – it’s not your fault. Men and women make decisions about love and commitment in different ways. Men have a biological trigger, a ‘commitment switch’ so to speak… You just have to know how to flip it. If you want to understand exactly how they’re wired emotionally and why they only pursue certain women… And how they decide which woman to commit to, go watch this video now: The Commitment Switch.

You’ll hopefully find everything you need, with regards to understanding men above:

  • He shows you HOW to find, meet, and connect with higher quality men.
  • Can guide you away from the losers or immature men who will only waste your time and hurt you.
  • He can also show you how to keep the attraction alive which definitely includes an amazing sex life.

You can receive his “free dating advice newsletter” by signing in on this page: Free Dating Advice for Women.

For those of you who want to know more learn his style before you commit to anything I completely understand where you’re coming from, which is why I’ve taken some of his best work, well at least what I was allowed to share with you 🙂 and turned them into this…

David Wygant – Nine Steps to Attracting Men – Your Amazing Dating Life

You’ll find each at them posted up my meeting place, “The Approach”. Rather than have you guess which one might help you the most I’ve included a small description to guide you. Hope it helps.

  • Simple ways to be more attractive.
  • How to think like a man.
  • When it’s time to let him go.
  • Who should call first.
  • How to overcome any shyness you have.
  • Why men don’t approach you.
  • How to tell if a man is ready for a relationship.
  • Power and control over your dating life.

1. Get control over your dating life. It may be time to start doing things a little different if you want better and more rewarding results.

If you feel your dating controls you and not the other way around, it’s time you stop doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.

Read on as David explains how George, Jerry, and Elaine can show you…

How To Take Control Over Your Dating Life – Doing Something Different

2.You can easily take control by doing things you enjoy.

David says – enjoy your life first. How can a guy ever refuse a woman who is generally happy, productive, and independent.

And that’s no lie.

As a man myself her independence and happy relaxed attitude is always the last deciding factor for me. Your looks can only do so much for men, you’re going to need more.

And what better way to accomplish this by enjoying your life.

You start by Re-evaluating your work life, doing the things you love, being open to everything and everyone, finding that carefree inner child in you, and then by using the simple “law of attraction…”

Men will have no choice but to feel naturally attracted to you.

5 Simple Ways to be more Attractive By Changing Your Lifestyle

3. After all you’ve been through and how hard you’ve worked on yourself – men are still not approaching you.

Well according to David there’s one big reason why those better guys are not approaching you. He also shows you how to  get men to open up to you.

He’ll show you a how to get men to start talking to you. And no it’s not some cheesy pickup line. He’ll also tell you what you MUST do in order for men to keep talking to you.

David believes you can do his thing. He believes it’s already a part of who you are – you just have to allow it to happen naturally.

The Number One Reason Men Won’t Approach You Even When He Notices You

4. Now that you have more men approaching you, you’ll want to get inside his mind and allow yourself to think like him – to increase the level of attraction he feels for you.

He believes too many women give dating advice that doesn’t work because it’s by a woman. He feels if you want to learn about men – talk to a man.

His key points are:

  1. You’re not wired like a man.
  2. Men are not looking for the why in everything.
  3. You must learn to “speak man.”
  4. How men are not thinking what you think they are.
  5. Change your energy and you’ll meet more men.

Now that you’re ready to change your energy and you’ll be meeting more men here’s…

Why You Need To Start Thinking Like A Man – Secrets To Meeting Men

5. Now that you’re meeting and attracting more men you may want to learn if he’s ready for a relationship.

Maybe you’re not sure on how to read his signals.

Maybe you just don’t understand his “man code” and want to know how to break it.

David will show you how to interpret many of a guys action and words so you can figure him out without giving yourself completely up to him…

Four ways to communicate and understand why a man does things. And how it has everything to do with what kind of relationship he may be looking for.

Break Relationship Man Code – The Art of Talk, Signals, and Actions

6. Now that you have a better understanding of men, you’re meeting more of them, you’ve learned what they’re actions mean…How do you attract the better ones?

This is about taking attraction action. This is about finally taking complete control of your dating life and not leaving everything to chance and luck.

If you’re having trouble with all this you’re obviously over-thinking everything.

Find out what men really want and hoping you’ll do which allows him to feel more attracted to you. Here’s how to…

Change Your Dating Life By Taking ATTRACTION ACTION

7. With more men in your life  you’re going to meet guys who just disappear.

It’s not fun or wanted but it’s going to happen especially when you’re dating life is on the rise.David advises you to stop asking so many “what ifs” about him and give you the power and control on knowing when it’s time to delete his number.

He has a hard-coded rule in dating you must never break – you’ll learn that and you’ll know…

He Is Not Texting or Calling – When Is It Time To Delete His Number?

8. You’ve now opened your ability to date men so you decide to go online and see how it all works.

You meet a great guy online but you don’t want to come off as needy or too upfront. You want him to make the first move and call you.

Do you know if that’s the right way to go? Will that get things started between the two of you? Don’t leave it to chance and follow David’s simple guideline for dating online…

Who Calls First Online – Stress Free Dating

9. Now that you have a better handle on your dating life and attracting men – there’s a possibility you’ll start judging it more.

You’ll expect more from yourself and if you don’t get it, you might put yourself down.

Stop it immediately. Stop putting so much pressure on yourself. Start enjoying what you’ve accomplished and how far you’ve come.

Here’s a little pick-me-up to rid yourself of fear and doubt and the absolute truth about dating. Learn how to…

Stop Judging Your Dating Life and Start Getting Second Dates

Please understand the outside links on this page open a new tab in your browser and are my personal redirected affiliated links. I have a personal/business arrangement with David Wygant which grants me commission based on our current agreement. Whereas I DO recommend David’s products, based on our agreement some sales which come directly from here will earn me, Peter White an agreed payment. David does NOT furnish me anything free just to promote his material. I do so under my own direction therefore anything written here is not or was never endorsed from David or anyone who works for him. Thanks for ALL your support and I do he gives you all the tools you’ll ever need to find a great guy, keep him forever wildly attracted to you, and enjoy an amazing fulfilling sex life.

An honest, REAL look at men:


  • What we really think about.
  • What we actually DO want and what turns us off.
  • What we actually DO want and what turns us off.
  • Advice I personally believe works best with men.

Sign up Below and Start understanding men from a real guy’s point of view today.

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