Three Things You Must Do When It Feels Like Your Man Is Pulling Away

Man Acting Distant Pulling Away

Written by Mirabelle Summers - creator of the Get a Great Guy Guide and Wrap Him Around Your Finger.

Have you ever felt so deeply connected with your man … his arms around you, feeling warm and happy and giggly and safe and utterly RIGHT...

Only to feel that WALL come down between you?

Almost out of nowhere.

Almost without warning.

And you feel that sickening clench in your stomach as you realize…

He’s pulling away.

And you don’t know why or how to FIX it.

If you’ve ever experienced anything like this for yourself… then you need to read this article, and watch the short cartoon put together for you at the end,

Click Here To Learn How To Wrap Him Around Your Finger

Because whether YOUR man is ‘checking out’ of the relationship emotionally or not...

You NEED to know what to do when the man you love pulls away from you BEFORE it happens...


Because trying to learn how to DRAG his love back to you when you’re already losing him is like trying to learn how to swim when you’re already drowning.

Look: I learned this myself, the hard way.

It cost me relationship after relationship, heartbreak after heartbreak.

And after years of seeing the men I loved walk out of my life, leaving me desperate and sobbing and bloody and broken, I finally got smart and decided to take back control of my love life.

That’s why I made it my life’s work to uncover the secret psychology of men.

And the incredible hidden NEEDS that your man has… that all men have (but that he will never, EVER reveal to you on his own).

And I want to share 3 of those secret, POWERFUL needs with you right now.

So if you want to prevent any man from EVER pulling away from you again and DRAG his desire and devotion 100% back to YOU (where it belongs), forever...

Then there are just THREE things you need to know:

#1: Understand that all men periodically NEED to pull away from ANY relationship … in exactly the same way YOU need to stop eating dinner when you’re stuffed to bursting.

Weird but true:

To a man, love is like food.

Like such good food.

But even with the BEST food in the world… even if he’s been STARVING for years…

He’s still going to get full eventually.

I’m paraphrasing from Dr John Gray here, of Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus (and by the way, if you haven’t already read it, you should) ...

But basically, a guy’s heart can only hold so much emotional ‘food’ before he needs time to leave the table and digest.

In other words, him ‘pulling away’ is a normal and NATURAL part of the desire cycle.

He “eats”… he gets “full”… then he leaves the table for awhile so that he can get “hungry” again.

In other words, ALL MEN periodically NEED to ‘leave the table’. Otherwise, he’ll never feel that desperate craving to get close you to again.

Which is why having a man periodically pull back from you can actually be an incredibly good thing.

Because IF you handle it right (and I’m about to tell you how), when a man pulls away, it’s a GOLDEN opportunity to snap his attention, love, and desire right back onto you again… and closer than ever before.

Here’s how to do it.

#2: When a man pulls away, you must make an IMMEDIATE commitment to yourself to react in a way that most women DON’T, WON’T, OR CAN’T.

Here, I’ll paint you a little picture.

Let’s say you’ve noticed a distance in your man’s behavior lately.

Maybe his cute little texts are getting fewer and further between.

Maybe he’s acting quiet, and distant, and cold, and weird.

Or maybe he’s even told you outright that it’s not working and he ‘needs some space’.

So, what should you DO?

Well, first I’ll tell you what you SHOULDN’T do, which is exactly what 99% of women end up doing:

Freaking out.

Most women react to a man going distant by PANICKING and saying things like:

  • ‘What’s wrong?’
  • ‘Is it me?’
  • ‘Did I do something wrong?’
  • ‘Is everything okay?’
  • ‘You seem distant…’

But if you panic, freak out, or get ‘clingy’, you will QUICKLY drive him further away than ever.

And here’s why…

When it comes to love, a man’s capacity to feel love and desire for you is INCREDIBLY dependent on just TWO things:

  1. His ability to make you happy, and …
  2. His ability to feel your TRUST in him.

When a man perceives that he’s making you happy and that you TRUST him, his brain is flooded in a warm wash of happy chemicals.

He feels pride, ecstasy, euphoria, and a potent surge of sheer masculinity.

In other words, making you happy and earning your trust makes him feel like a MAN.

Don’t forget, most men walk around in their lives in a haze of insecurity, anxiety, and worries of being disrespected.

That’s why it’s so incredibly powerful when he feels your trust and respect in him.

It makes him stand up straight, feel ecstatic and warm and proud and strong, and ready to fight dragons for you just to feel it again.

But, if you freak out and react by trying to grab him and DRAG him back to you then he (rightly) perceives that he’s NOT making you happy and you’re NOT trusting him.

Which triggers an instant and devastating surge of UNHAPPY chemicals in his brain.

The result?

Deep in his unconscious brain, he forges an unbreakable chemical link between ‘being around you’ with the unpleasant and deeply repulsive feeling of ‘being disrespected and distrusted as a man’.

And that’s when what WAS a simple, healthy, natural male instinct to ‘pull away’ in order to come CLOSER or becomes a legitimate WALL between the two of you.

So how do you make sure this NEVER happens to you?

Read on…

#3: When a man pulls away, you need to EMBRACE it as the golden opportunity for a deeper, more incredible connection it really is.

If you feel like he’s pulling away (and he might very well be), here’s what you absolutely need to do:

You MUST relax.

You MUST NOT stress.

You MUST remind yourself that all men do this, that it’s natural and healthy, that it’s literally FUELING his ability to come closer to you…

And most of all, you must allow him to pull back without freaking out and without trying to ‘fix’ it.

Because most of the time, there’s nothing TO fix.

It’s simply a man being a man … and getting closer to you in the only way he knows how:

By instinctively creating the DISTANCE between you that ends up driving a deeper, more connected CLOSENESS when he comes back your way again.

“But Mirabelle … I can’t just do nothing! How can you be so heartless??”


Well, first of all, understand that I’m NOT telling you to do nothing.

What I’m saying is that you must relax.

And relaxing is not ‘nothing’!

Real relaxing means taking positive action to become a stronger, more awesome version of yourself.

Whether that’s reading a novel, seeing a friend, taking a walk, playing with your puppy, cooking a meal, working out…

…anything you do that truly relaxes you is taking positive action to build a better life, a healthier body, a stronger immune system…

… and probably also stronger friendships, better self esteem, and a happier, more balanced mind.

So, relaxing is NOT nothing.

But … hey, I get it. ‘Relaxing’ can feel downright IMPOSSIBLE when you feel like the man you love is slipping through your fingers and checking out of the relationship emotionally.

Plus, there’s the bitter truth: sometimes, a man pulling away really does spell trouble for your relationship.

But Here’s The Good News:

Right Now, Here’s Something AMAZING That’s Going To Bring All His Barriers Crumbling Down Forever, And Drag His Desire And Devotion 100% Back To You The SECOND You Use It.

Here’s the deal:

You know how I mentioned at the start of this article that there’s a cartoon I put together for you?

Well, I want you to go and watch that cartoon right now.

And here’s why:

Because, in this tooth-grittingly personal video, I tell you a raw, honest, and devastating story of how one woman came this close to driving her man away forever …

PLUS I’ll give you the EXACT eight steps I found that STOP a man from pulling away dead in his tracks …

Make him ‘hungry’ for your love …

And honestly create a level of lasting bliss and deep emotional CONNECTION between you and your man that no-one and nothing can destroy.

And If you want him to not just ‘love’ but absolutely devote himself to you heart and soul...

Click Here To Learn The Eight Simple Steps That Give You Push-Button Access to His Deepest Thoughts and Feelings

8 Steps To Make Any Man Eager To Please You!

Just imagine having access to a secret mind control method that will brainwash any man into doing what YOU want.

Even if he doesn't want to and he will be powerless to resist.

Using this method is going to literally FLOOD his brain with compulsive feelings of intensity, excitement, focus, and dedication to fulfill your every desire.

You might want to use it on a disconnected boyfriend or husband...

Or that guy you secretly want who seems to enjoy playing games with you and acting hard to get...

You can even use this to get a man to quit drinking too much, quit smoking, or even just put his phone down and focus his attention completely and without distraction...


In fact, this method is so ridiculously powerful, it can make even the most commitment-phobic man feel such intense desire and love that he will want to put a ring on your finger to make sure that you're his... and nobody else's...


I came across this method quite by accident, and for a long time she kept it strictly to myself for fear that others would use this mind control for immoral or evil means.

But the benefits of using this for good means, to really get to the heart of men and open their minds and hearts to you, is simply to big to pass up.

Which is why I decided it's time to share my 8-step method with you.

Find out what it is here:

Click Here For The 8 Steps To Controlling A Man's Mind & Heart

And like the name says, it’s 8 steps to controlling a man’s mind...

By using a method that chemically rewires a man’s neural pathways, and DRENCHES his brain in the chemicals of focus, excitement, intensity, and a strong desire to please!

It doesn’t matter whether you’re dating, married, already committed to a man, or whether he’s already broken up with you.

It doesn’t matter how old you are, how old you LOOK, or what kind of shape you’re in...

It doesn’t even matter if you’ve been single all your life or are experiencing a really complex love situation.

This method works incredibly and almost CREEPILY well to make any man not just eager, but desperate to please you, charm you, and follow your wishes...

No matter what you want from him, or how stubbornly he’s resisting or rejecting you right now.

This is the ultimate social leveler.

And best of all, anyone can achieve success in 8 easy steps.

Wrap Him Around Your Finger

Wrap Him Around Finger Cover

A step by step guide for women who are either dating a man or are committed to one, and who want MORE love and BETTER behavior from him.

The program aims to empower you with practical tools and step by step advice to ‘reprogram’ your man’s thinking and behavior in the relationship, allowing you to own their power in love, get off the relationship roller coaster, and experience true, life-long love with your dream man.

A step by step practical guide to powerfully attracting a man, connecting with him deeply, and inspiring him to give you the affection and adoration you craves, Wrap Him Around Your Finger is designed to help you liberate herself from relationship anxiety and experience a life-long love affair with a man who can’t get enough of her.

Discover dozens of practical, hands-on methods for awakening a man’s desire to chase you, spoil you, and continually EARN your love, including:

  • How to use The Mysterious Mute Method to get a bored boyfriend (or husband) to CHASE you again ... without ever saying a word
  • How to use the Cheeky Smile to stop a man’s bad behavior dead in its tracks (works on anything from flirting with other women to working too much to acting aloof and unloving)
  • How to get whatever behavior you want from a guy (including a marriage proposal, a second date, better sex, or simply curing him of ‘annoying behaviors’ like slobbiness around the house or acting distant and disinterested in her) using a secret 8 step method known as ‘emotional flooding’

Packed with top-quality information and backed by solid relationship science and proven behavioral change methodology, and interspersed throughout with funny real-life stories, eye-opening ‘Attraction Facts’, and interactive tools like quizzes...

Click Here To Learn How You Can Wrap Him Around Your Finger

Are You Sick Of Dating Time Wasting Jerks?

Get Guy Video Thumbnail

If you've ever wasted your time with a jerk who just uses you, then starts to ignore you and never seems to want to take things further...

If you've ever wished that you had the kind of guy who makes all your friends jealous...

The kind of guy who is funny, smart, good looking, yet also has a lot of time for you, and wants to be with you forever...

Then you MUST watch this short video I recorded for you right here:

Click here to Watch: How to Get A GREAT Guy.

In this short video, you'll hear about the personal transformation that lead her to meeting the man of her dreams and how to make it happen to you.

You'll also find out the 3 principles that will lead you to being the kind of woman that men lust after (and see as a 'keeper')

Take the game-playing out of dating, stop wasting your time on jerks, players, rude humorists, and guy who only act like they uninterested in you when you KNOW they are...

Get a Great Guy Guide - Make men love you while avoiding time wasting jerks!

Thanks for listening... Your Friend:

Mirabelle Summers from Meet Your Sweet.

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