Guys love to be complimented. Much more than you might ever believe. Here’s your chance to let it all out and tell ALL men all the little things you love about them.
But there’s always a catch… You can say too much. You can say too little. And of course if you want to understand men you must know – not all men know how to handle even a well stated “Ego” boost.
In my younger days I wouldn’t how to respond. A compliment would actually make me feel uncomfortable. I know… me? Haha!
Tell us how much you love him below – Click Here
If there’s one area guys DO over-think things it is about nice things you might say to him. This depends on the man of course and how many people make it known to him – how great he is.
I believe there are certain rules to follow, based on the man you’re dealing with and they are very similar to what we teach guys on how to compliment or charm you.
For example – Gorgeous guys probably hear it a lot so it goes right over his shoulder. Taller men are constantly told “how tall they are.” Buffed out in great shape model types are constantly being told how sexy their body is. (Trust me I know THAT from experience.)
In my “chiseled body days” I grew so used to the same mostly lame comments on my looks that I rarely skipped a beat to notice them. This may not mean much to some of you but I’m sure there are some of you who would like to know what compliment to give a guy so he’ll stop and take notice to you.
Those men – I would stick to telling them how special and different they are and refrain from mentioning how handsome they are.
Your average looking dude? – A well placed comment on his looks might give him a little hint, a taste of confidence, or a clever way to reassure him that, he may not be the best looking guy in the world, but he does have something so many other guys don’t have. (And that can even me you.)
I’m guessing, if you’re here, you do love something about one man you hold close, or something all men have which you can not do without. Sure that can even be what lies between his legs. After all it’s not beyond me (or men) to gaze at the female form and admire its beauty. As if we didn’t already know that.
This is where you get to tell me everything you absolutely love about guys…
I want the cheesiest compliments but I also want you to feel free to share all your “dirty” little secrets and fantasies. (In the hopes that just maybe your guy might notice it. Or maybe if you get it out here – you’ll have the confidence to finally share it with him.)
Alright, some of you may be asking, “What does this have to do with understanding men? What does this have to do with why do guys at all?” Fair questions indeed.
My belief is that when you explore everything you love about men and share them here of course:
- You’ll remain positive even when at times, things aren’t working out the way you want them to.
- You can better conceptualize your perfect guy and what you really want from a man.
- You get to brag about your “conquest” so we can all understand how you got him and what makes him so special.
- You can grab compliments from others to set up more romance in your life by sharing these great ideas with any guy you want.
So how does all that help you understand men better?
Well, as I stated in the first sentences – Men love to be complimented. Men love to be adored. Men love to know they’re more than capable of “catching” a girl like you.
The more he loves you the more he needs to feel – above all else and any other guy walking the planet – you him picked him. You found each other. Almost like it was meant to happen.
You see the higher he holds you in his life and his ability as a man to keep you happy, secure, and attracted – no matter how great your relationship of future relationship is – we ALL need a little assurance or validation than we’re doing something right.
Now let’s hear all about him… What do you really love about men and want them to know how you feel?
PLEASE READ THIS BEFORE POSTING – I will be monitoring your comments and sometimes it may take up to 24 hours for your comment to appear. Please be patient. Keep it light-hearted and fun and we’ll all learn something. As always feel free to compliment me as much as your heart desires. I won’t hold it against you. – Pete
18 comments… add one
Well i love everything about my baby.his smile,his laugh and even his crazy ways.he means so much to me.his been ignoring me lately but its okay because thats just him.i love the way he makes love to me its great sex.he has a way of expressing himself by looking deep into my eyes.he makes me feel so good when we are alone. What do you think pete is he interested?
Nice Julia. Of course he’s interested.
I love the way he looks at me even if there’s a room of people between us. I love his aggressive side when it counts and I know how how girly of me but when he gets a little jealous.
Hey… don’t I know you? Haha!
Glad to hear someone out there loves something about the men in their life.
Well, for me i like his honesty. he’s got his own way of expressing inner feelings, emotions..etc..
oh yeah, i like him being sharp in every lil thing he does!
it’s just different yet lovable
Very nice Amber… I let “my guys” know how much certain love a “sharp” guy AND how it’s okay to share their feeling – as long as it’s in a “different yet lovable” way.
I love a lot of things about the man I’m hoping to be involved with, eventually!
I love how he looks directly at me with his blue eyes when we’re talking. I love how open/honest he was with what he shared with me the first time we met. I love how I may overhear him swearing when he’s around other guys at work, but cleans-up the language when he’s talking to me. I love that he wears his baseball hat backwards for a little boyish charm, with his salt and pepper hair peeking out from the sides. I love that he makes a point of going out of his way to find little reasons to ask me something or talk to me…just to have a short snippet of conversation. I love to watch him teasing his co-workers because I get to see his light-hearted, playful side. High on my list is that I love when he talks about fretting over his kids or his folks (like when his daughter had a community service project or his folks driving in snowy weather) because I see his protective and loving nature for his family. Oh…my list could go on and on…
Lovely Autumn and I’ll take a note to clear up my language when I’m around the women I care about.
I love my man because he loves me for who I am. I am very attractive and always had men interested around me, but I met him when I was the least interested in meeting anyone, particularly a man – I was going through most stressful time in my life, and was tired, stressed, exhausted, unattractive (by my standards), and just an emotional wreck. I am well able to take care of myself and was certainly going to get back to my normal balanced life, but I was at the very beginning of it – it was very difficult for me. Of course, everybody has tough times sometimes in their life, it happens and it is ok. It really touched my heart though that he somehow could see through all this mess into who I really was. I could not resist that, although it was as bad of a timing for meeting a man as I could imagine. I am normally a happy, confident, loving and social person – I was pretty much the opposite of it when we met – unhappy, insecure, angry, stressed and too exhausted to give out any love, I only wanted to receive it, which would qualify as needy, I suppose…lol.
He just quietly makes my dreams come true, one after the other and patiently unfolds me like a flower, not requiring anything in return. And no, he is not a push over or a pleaser. He has a strong character, strong will and he knows what he wants and who he is very well. I love that about him. I should admit that going through my “getting in touch with myself” time I have put him through some rocky times first year after we met. But he never gave up. He is the kind which might bend (as we all do), but does not break. I love that he is very sincere and honest, knows himself well and takes care of himself, is very intelligent, yet very open to learning and trying new things, has good sense of humor and likes fun and adventure, like I do. I love his deep personality and I love the ways he quietly watches me. I love to feel his quiet passion, no man has ever watched me like this. He pays attention to such little details about me, listens and remembers things in our conversations that even I do not remember some times. He remembers things I mention here and there that are important to me, then makes them happen when moment is right. It is always easy, simple and natural, but I do notice, because these things matter to me. When he had a choice between something which was really needed for me, but was not so beneficial for him – he chose to do what was best for me. I love to feel him next to me, when he holds me – it feels like an eternal bliss that I never want to end. It can not even compare to the fun, lust or whatever else I felt before in previous relationships with men in my life.
I guess every woman deeply in her heart wishes to meet a man who would give her a hand in difficult times. I will be honest, in some of my “feeling sorry for myself” – “weeping on the pillow” moments I really wished for that to happen, but actually my such dreams were in my fary tale sci-fi section – something which you entertain yourself with, but really never happens. Amazingly it did happen for me. Funny to say, I was not only not looking for it, but actually trying to avoid it. I wanted to put my mind at peace and felt I needed “time for myself” – so I was trying my best to avoid people and men particularly. When he suddenly attempted to start our first conversation, I was fairly tired after work in the evening, my hair was a mess and I just ate three cloves of garlic to avoid getting sick from people coughing around me all day, so I actually did my best trying to politely avoid the conversation he was trying to have, because I did not want him to drop dead should I happen to breathe directly in his face…:)
I am sure my garlic breath reached him anyways, but he amazingly survived and even came back for more…
It is not in my nature to be dead or boxed in :), but with him I feel truly alive. He tells me I make his life so much better and I feel the same way about him.
Anyways, I could write pages and pages about it all… :).I feel happy, so I figured I’d share it.
Thanks for sharing Nataly and great point about how it should feel when you’re with someone you love – how they don’t make you feel boxed in but even more alive.
I love everything about my baby, the way he walks, talks kisses me his smell his smile his body his arms hold thight he holds me how thight he hugs me he makes me know im safe with him hes always worried about asking if im ok he tells me he shows and tell me he loves me his goofy always no how to make me laught smile i love how i catch him looking at me i love the way he looks at me when he looks into my eyes i love it all baby.
I love how honest and straightforward he is with me. I love how he gets his friends to get me to laugh and keep me company even after he’s left the scene. I love how sweet he is, esp to his big sister. I love how sad and jealous he gets when I hug his sisters and not him (call me a bitch, but I have my reasons why I didn’t) I love how he stares at me with such… I can’t describe it ❤ I love… him, but the thing is, I’m not so sure if he’s into me.
Hi Pete,
Just want to let you know how much I enjoy reading your stuff. It is really helping me understand how men think….
Thanks again
Thank you Joanne – great to have you around. Hope my stuff, at least a high percentage of it keeps helping you,
You’re welcome,
What i like about men:
I like a blue collar man, who has worked his way into the white collar world, shaping his skills to suit him which creates a masculine-energy like no other. Nothing just handed to him; he’s created himself. All this affects his walk, actions, glances and words. Just his stance shows his confidence. Confidence for both men & women is the one sexy thing any of us can sense and feel.
Besides the natural scent of men, feeling their eyes on me, even when I look away is divine.
Well put Helena and thanks for sharing.
I have never felt so comfortable and secure around anyone. . . there is something about him so familiar. I have been in a lot of relationships in the past. Obviously, there was always something missing. I can be myself around him. I’m not worried if my hair and/or makeup is perfect, or if I am saying something stupid, or if he is “into” me or not. He conveys this by how he smiles, looks into my eyes, with the respect with which he treats me. It may seem a bit premature, but I know he is the one with whom I desire to be. He, in my opinion, is exactly the perfect guy for me. God has a plan, and I truly believe He brought him into my life.
His open-ness the first time I met him. The assertiveness and control of himself. His persistence at my discretion. His honesty and who he is without hesitation, wow! I love it! Yes, he is blue collar and his utter masculine-ness and all his accomplishments are nothing less than admirable. What a 100% man!! His tenderness towards the people he loves is impressive. His voice, scent and eyes that I can’t get out of my head. He’s definitely good enough for me, I’m smitten…