Written by Nadine Piat. Author of Never Lose Him.
Men love lots of things about women: their smile, bodies, feminine features and grace, their personality, the way they dress, their hair, the smoothness of their skin, and many, many more things...
As much as these are all great attributes that make us uniquely feminine...there is one thing that women often overlook and sometimes even fear, and is the very thing that will attract and keep the best men interested.
The best men; men who are ready for love and commitment look for a certain trait in a woman.
Of course not all men are exactly the same, since we all have different personalities and desires, but there is one specific characteristic that the best men have in common that gets the relationship ready man, hooked.
A man who's ready to commit to a healthy loving relationship is a man who knows who he is, he's confident and astute and he's not scared of his feelings, and these are exactly the character traits he values in a woman.
So, no matter how different a man's taste in women is compared to another, and no matter if he's English, Irish, American, Australian, Canadian, German or Chinese - they all love...
A man who's insecure, controlling, unsure of himself, narcissistic and lacks self-worth may be scared of a woman like this. That's okay. Because the type of man who's ready to hold you and stand by you through thick and thin will love it.
So why do the best men love a sassy woman?
Because a healthy man loves a woman who makes him a better man. A healthy man respects a woman who has healthy boundaries. A healthy man will find your confidence and clarity a turn-on.
He will go crazy for this side of you.
But here's the bad news, which is actually not news at all: a lot of women are afraid of letting their sassy side shine through. Insecurity is one major reason for this fear, another is the fear of being "too much" or being difficult, or they pay too much attention to the outside, to their appearance.
Now, overcoming your insecurities takes time but it's time well spent. Just remember you are attractive just the way you are, you are smart, beautiful and you deserve the best man.
Believe it because it is the truth.
How about paying too much attention to appearances? That's a very common mistake because we all naturally want to look our best for our current or future partner, right? Yet, this perfect appearance we spend so much time and efforts pursuing, is not the most important thing.
What's underneath this appearance is what really matters.
You know why?
Because the glossy, perfect-looking girls are not taken seriously unless there is some substance under the so-called "perfect look".
The problem is that we often mask our insecurities by trying to look perfect. We forget that the source of sexiness is inside us, not in the makeup kit or the closet. Your personality and your sassy and savvy character traits, make you truly sexy and magnetic.
So how do you cultivate your sassiness?
How do you shake off this wrong assumption that looking impeccably sexy is the same as being sassy? I'll start by telling you what sassiness is and is not.
1. Sassiness comes from the heart - The sassy woman is fearless and stands tall.
She is grounded and heart felt. She may be small in stature or tall, either way, she is noticed by all. She has spunk and a passionate edge.
2. A sassy woman will attract men and scare men - A sassy woman attracts men like honey to a bee.
Yet she can also repel men just as fast. It's not because they don't like the sassiness, in fact it's quite the opposite. A sassy woman will rattle the core of a man and only the best men are ready for her.
At times she will feel confused and wonder what happened, why did he disappear?
Well, what happened is that she scared some insecure guy that wasn't ready for her. She needs to remain strong and sure of herself because the men left standing are just as spectacular as her.
3. She is beautifully bold - A sassy woman is direct without being aggressive or demanding.
She is not bitchy, though she will at times tell you how she sees something, even when it may be hard to hear. She will be tasteful in her approach and delicate when needed.
Personality alone does not define sassiness.
You might be somewhat demure or introverted, or you might be as outgoing social butterfly, this does not determine your sassiness. Your authenticity and delivery does.
Bitchy women are not sassy, they are mean and largely insecure.
You can be cheeky and witty, just do it in an empowering way - this is sassy.
Now, here are some tips to cultivate this important quality. It's really not hard and it's GOOD for you!
1. The Past Is The Past.
Dwelling on past mistakes in your romantic life, or even other parts of your life, holds you back, fuels your insecurities, and takes away from your core essence.
You can't let your sassiness bloom when you allow the past to eat away at you, when you doubt yourself, or when you don't believe that you deserve a loving and connected relationship.
A sassy woman wouldn't settle for some mediocre compromise, nor does she give into unhealthy ways of thinking or let her past define her.
When you make peace with your past and realize that you too are deserving of the best that life can give, you organically ignite your sassiness, you're able to dance and play with life.
And hey, there is no such thing as mistakes anyway, so make your past and the "mistakes" work for you, not against you.
2. Celebrate Your Body - Feeling comfortable in your own body is a major feature of the sassy woman.
I'm sure you've seen such women who, regardless of their size or shape, just radiate happiness and the feeling that they are comfortable just as they are.
They look really sexy, have you noticed?
A sassy woman embraces her full self and also looks after it - she treats her body with love and kindness and a good dose of appreciation and honesty.
3. Honor YOU - It all boils down to this, after all.
Look after your body and your mind alike. Stay healthy, pamper yourself every once in a while, dress in a way that looks good on you, instead of simply following the latest fad, and stay fit.
Try to keep your stress levels manageable, don't overdo the care-taking, and try to worry less.
And smile, smile, smile, any chance you get.
A smiling woman is a sassy woman.
A sassy woman does not entertain men who are not good for her - she knows what she values and lives by these values.
A sassy woman does not go against herself - she honors herself.
After reading the above points, can you see the magnetic attributes of the sassy woman?
A man who truly wants a partner in life yearns for a woman who has a lovely mix of warmth and gentleness, matched with a good sprinkle of authenticity and edge.
He wants a life companion, a woman he can grow and evolve with, not a wallflower or a damsel in distress.
Be sassy and delighted with yourself, and you won't believe how easy it will become to attract the right kind of man.
P.S. I'll actually let you in on a little secret: there are four traits that keep the best men interested.
Sassiness is one of them - do you want to know the other three?
Find out what they are here - Never Lose Him!
Nadine's Full Product Catalog:

Never Lose Him Secrets to Attraction & Lasting Love
He's With you, But IS he Really?
The devastation of heartbreak and the joy of true LOVE....
Mandy Wrote:
"Can you help me? I feel like my boyfriend is pulling away from me. Things used to be great, he is SUCH a good man, I really love him, but lately it feels like I am losing him.
He says it's just pressure from work, but it feels like more. He used to tell me he loves me all the time, and I could see in his eyes it was true - but now he seems distracted and everything I try is pushing him further away. He would rarely go out with his friends, though now he can't seem to stay away from them.
I feel terrible. He's still 'with' me, but I don't feel that he is REALLY mine, it's as though I'm waiting for him to tell me it's over.
I can tell by the way he speaks to me that he's frustrated with me, but he won't tell me what the problem is. How can I get him back?"

Hey Mandy,
You are not the first person to get stuck in this kind of relationship and unfortunately, if you keep pushing him, he is just going to pull further away and will potentially end the relationship.
It's normal for you to want to fix things, but you need to do it in an effective way!
When he is being short and frustrated with you, emotionally pushing you away or not giving you the attention you deserve... and your reaction is to try harder, give him MORE and do whatever you can to make him happy, you are doing more damage than good!
Without knowing it, you are training him to keep acting that way - because, guess what? He is getting a reward out of it! He's getting attention and in an unhealthy way.
For him to come back to that place of true happiness and intimacy with you, which naturally leads to stronger commitment... you need do something powerful that will have HIM completely spellbound by you and back in love with you.
Watch this video by Nadine Piat:
The secret SIGNAL a man needs from you to Open His Heart and COMMIT to you.
Nadine will explain exactly how you can use what she calls the 'Emotional Barrier Eliminator' to TRANSFORM your relationship or SKYROCKET your dating success, and FAST.
Are you tired of the heartbreaking cycle of attracting a guy you really like, then suddenly he’s not so interested anymore, or worse, he disappears completely? This can really sting and over time this emotional rollercoaster can take its toll.
If you're tired of attracting the wrong men, going around in circles with men, confused about whether you should stay with a man or move on, then this is the perfect product.
It explores why men pull away and how to bring them back. I reveal the Lips Method - a technique to attract the best men. It also delves deeply into self-worth so that you can improve the way you date and relate to men, long-term.
Never Lose Him offers the perfect mix of deeper emotional learning with cutting edge dating and relationship skills that can be the difference between dead end relationships/dating… and finally experiencing a wholehearted connection with a beautifully loving man.
Discover the secret SIGNAL a man needs from you, Open His Heart and COMMIT.
Secrets Of the Irresistible Lover

Just When You Thought He Was Yours Forever...
There you are...happy as can be. You just met a man that makes you feel excited about love again. The future looks wide open, and it looks like this one might actually work out.
Every night is better than the last. You feel more connected with him than you have with anyone in the last few years. This is amazing!
You finally surrender into his arms and the clothes come off. It feels sensational! The relationship begins.
Your body lights up at the mere thought of connecting with him. You send flirty text messages and emails back and forth, and you're off to a great start with this relationship.
You don't quite know what it is, but things are starting to feel different. You notice he's taking longer to reply to your messages. He answers his phone a little less often. He's not pursuing you like he did in the beginning.
He's withdrawing...
You can feel it, but you don't know why it's happening, or how to even bring it up with him...
And that's when the relationship starts to go downhill. You begin feeling insecure and lonely, even though he's still in your life (but barely). You know it's only a matter of time before he tells you, "We're just not a match".
All those hopes and dreams you had about your future together are just distant memories now.
Up until recently nobody really figured it out. We just assumed that this is how most men are, and there's nothing we can do except hope we find someone who is different.
A real man.
Well guess what? Nadine has just discovered two things you NEED to know about:
#1 - The REAL reason this keeps happening to you (the answer will surprise you - you've probably never thought of this before in your life).
#2 - The simple solution that makes you so irresistible to men that he'll not only stay with you, but grow more and more connected with you over time.
She made a video that explains what's going on here, so go ahead and check this out now:
Secrets Of the Irresistible Lover is all about sensuality and how to inspire and attract a man on a deep level; a sensual level versus a sexual level, there is a BIG difference, and this will dramatically boost attraction and inspire a lasting connection.
In a world where our sexuality is both suppressed and often exploited it’s critical for women to know exactly how to tap into their sensuality to not only inspire attraction but an authentically loving connection too.
It teaches women to honor their bodies and know how to engage a man on a deeper level, a more sensual level, which creates a deeply emotional and physical bond.
Find out how to get a man to open his mind, body, heart and soul to you.
Unlock His Heart - Shortcut To His Love

Why He's Not Into You...
There are only a couple of reasons why the guy you love (or the man you've got your eye on) is not matching you in your level of want, desire and attention.
There is ALWAYS a reason....
You're probably doing one of the things that scares men and shuts them down, and for men it's like being at a theme park 'House of Horrors'!
Not to say you're doing anything horrible... although there are things women do that has that 'scary' effect on a man.
Watch this video by Nadine Piat. She'll show you how you can turn it all around and have him giving you the attention you deserve and have been waiting patiently for ...or not so patiently.
=> The Number 1 Secret to Get The Love You Want.
Men want to love and be loved just as much as you do, and men desperately want to share their deepest and most soul revealing feelings with you. BUT why does it seem that most men are next to impossible to emotionally penetrate, or to crack open?
Unlock His Heart is the perfect program for you if you’d like to break down the barriers to his heart and experience the most intimate, loving and heart-melting connection with the man you want.
This program explores the science behind how we consciously or not condition people to either; desire more of us or want to move away from us. I explore how this relates to women’s relationships with men and how this knowledge can assist women to get the love they want.
Simple Orgasmic Secret

Does He Even CARE What You Want In The Bedroom?
Have you ever craved a deeper and more meaningful sexual connection with a man, yet no matter what you've tried, body tingling o.r.g.a.s.m.i.c intimacy continues to elude you?
Perhaps you worry that you'll offend him by telling him what you like or want... or worse, you think he might judge you for it? If you said yes, then...
He's actually dying to know how to please you. In case you haven't noticed, he NEEDS to feel like he's satisfying you in order to feel good about himself as a man.
He wants you to be happy in the bedroom, and you want that as well.
If you're anything like how I used to be, your body is craving for:
More intimacy...
More pleasure...
More loving...
More shuddering bliss...
More passion...
More orgasms...
More tenderness...
The good news is orgasmic bliss is easy to experience... once you know the secret that makes it happen. And that's exactly what this video reveals:
Uncovered: Experience Orgasmic Pleasure & Deep Love From Any Man.
Every woman was born to experience great love and spine tingly, toe curling sexual pleasure, yet many do not.
Too many women are settling for unsatisfying physical play. Most women know very little about their own bodies or have little idea how to express their needs to experience true pleasure with a man.
Simple Orgasmic Secret explores shame in present time and past trauma that many women experience that blocks love and true intimacy. This is a beautiful program that inspires women to learn about their bodies to overcome fears and insecurities.
SOS is hear to help women celebrate and honor their bodies (all shapes and sizes) and to also honor the men they’re with, which brings about safe and heightened intimacy.
This is powerful for all women in any relationship status.
Let go of the guilt, embarrassment and shame, and embrace your sensual magnetism.
Uncovered: Experience Orgasmic Pleasure & Deep Love From Any Man.
Say Something, Be Heard!