Written by Gay Hendricks, co-author of Hearts In Harmony .
You Have The Power To Create Your Ideal Relationship - Here's How To Finally Attract The Partner You'll Be Thrilled To Wake Up With Every Morning
We've met countless amazing, single women at our seminars, in our offices, and even on Oprah.
The majority of them are successful, accomplished and intelligent. Many of them are role models in their community - they're devoted volunteers, athletes, and leaders. Some of them are world travelers - they might even have careers abroad.
These women have a home they're proud of, friends that are like family, and a healthy social life.
And all of this makes them extremely frustrated!
These women tell us time and again: "I'm really good at making things happen in my life, but..."
And you know what's coming next: they have everything they want, except for the thing they want most.
What's going on here?
If you feel especially stuck in the area of love - as if no matter what you do, you just can't make that one thing happen - you'll want to pay close attention to this message.
Your Inner Power To Attract And Create What You Want
There's a simple explanation for why these women - and you - can make so many magical things happen except for attracting a healthy, lasting relationship.
And once you understand this reason, it's going to put you on a speed path to the love of your life.
Take a moment to look at everything you've accomplished so far, and all of the things you hold dear. Now, take another moment to realize that the common denominator in all those things is YOU.
The fact that you have these things in your life is no accident. They are the result of all your commitments, intentions, and actions. You made them happen.
And just as you have the power to make them happen, you also have the full ability to create the love relationship you want.
All it takes is harnessing your full creative power in the area of love.
We often write about that in our FREE Advice Newsletters... we teach how to harness the creative forces within you to bring you what you long for most - an extraordinary relationship with a partner who truly "gets you" mind, body, and heart.
We truly believe that you already have everything you need within to create the loving partnership you want. And our 3-step Attracting Genuine Love process will help you access it.
To learn more about this, Click here and sign up to receive our free advice.
How Your Creative Power In Love Gets Shut Down
We're not talking about polishing your dating techniques or making sure you look and dress a certain way.
Instead, it's about making certain changes at a deeper level that will unlock your power to attract the right partner and create a great relationship.
Your power to create is always there, but we all have inner barriers that sometimes prevent us from using this power.
These inner barriers went up a long time ago - they're erected during our childhoods, and we build even more with every unsuccessful relationship.
These are the barriers that tell us that "love is hard," or that "there are no good men out there," or "once a man gets to know me, he won't want me."
Often, we don't even realize these barriers exist. We only see evidence of them when we keep having the same kind of unhealthy relationship over and over, or when we can't seem to get into any relationship at all.
Release Your Inner Blocks And Watch Love Overflow
When we teach singles our method for identifying and releasing their inner blocks to love, miracles happen.
Suddenly, they're able to attract the right partner and create a relationship with the same ease and flow they enjoy in other areas of their lives.
Stop Old Memories From Hurting You Today.
It’s also important to get completely clear on the qualities that matter to you in a partner - otherwise you'll keep bouncing from one unsatisfactory relationship to another.
Our approach is whole-body learning, so that what we teach you sticks with you and works at the deepest levels of your being.
There's absolutely no reason why you can't create the relationship you've longed for. It's right there, waiting for you.
We can't wait to help you reach out and grab it.
About Katie and Gay Hendricks

Gay and Katie Hendricks have been leaders in the field of relationship transformation and body mind therapies for more than 45 years.
Gay holds a PhD from Stanford and was a professor of counseling psychology at the University of Colorado for 21 years.
Katie holds a PhD in transpersonal psychology and has been a pioneer of mind-body integration for over 40 years.
Together, they've authored 35 books, including some used as primary textbooks in universities around the world.
They've appeared on over 500 television and radio shows, including Oprah, CNN, CNBC, 48 hours and others.
They've co-facilitated countless seminars and workshops around the world for both individuals and couples looking to experience more ease and flow in their relationships.
Get More Advice from Katie and Gay Hendricks
Communication Mistakes That Kill Passion & What His Silence Doesn't Mean
Your Greatest Barrier To Attracting Genuine Love Is Not What You Think It Is
What Happened To The Incredible Connection The Two Of You Shared?
Phrases That Kill Intimacy - The Communication Mistake Of Not Listening
Are You In A Fake Relationship? Signs To Look For If It's Real Or Not
The Surprising Reason Why You Become Deeply Upset With Your Partner
Why Does Everyone Attract Love But You?
The Ten Second Miracle

Relationships Flourish Or Wither In Ten-Second Windows Of Communication
"The world has sped up a lot in recent decades. We may feel that we don’t have a minute to think about things, so when things happen, we have to react instantly.
The first Ten-Second window following any pivotal interaction with another person is critical. Fear is felt in 1/10th of a second, but can wreak havoc the rest of the day, based on how we respond.
Our relationships can either flourish or wither, depending on what we say or how we choose to show up in those crucial moments.
When someone we care about shares a truth with us, the words we choose to respond with can either shut down intimacy, or open up deeper connection.
If we choose the wrong words, based on fear and pretense, we may set ourselves up for years of misunderstanding and bad feelings.
If we choose the right words, based on the authentic way we’re feeling, we create a space where we can breathe easy and feel connected, even if those words are difficult for us to say.
Your relationship hinges on how you handle these important moments, ten seconds at a time.
You may even say that your happiness in life depends on it."
Learning To Love Yourself

Loving Yourself Changes Your Life More Than Anything Else You Can Do
"The Learning To Love Yourself Special Bundle will help you learn the process by which you will free yourself of feelings of chronic dissatisfaction, will increase your self-esteem, and will allow you to feel at peace with your life and love.
It will help you transform ALL your relationships, no matter how difficult they are now, to be more open, loving, intimate and honest.
The transformation can be immediate, and can last a lifetime!
You will go from feeling criticized to feeling accepted and loved, even if the other person in your life does NOTHING AT ALL to change their behavior.
It will stop the cycle of the negative thoughts, arguments and worries, so you can feel at peace and enjoy open, genuine relationships free of drama and tension."
Attracting Genuine Love

What REALLY Prevents You From Attracting Lasting Love
" Here’s the truth about attracting genuine love in your life: It’s all about small inner shifts that have big, life-changing results.
And, when you make them, you can make every single dating mistake in the book and it won’t matter.
These inner shifts get to the root of what’s blocking you from finding true love (destructive beliefs, fears, doubts, insecurity and pain) and empower us to know what we really want and don’t want in life and love.
These love blockers run under the surface of all we say and do, and even though we often don’t realize it, they control who we attract and how we feel in our relationships.
It shows up in the men we date (unavailable, untrustworthy, jerks, deadbeats, cheaters.. you name it).. and in the way we feel with them (unfulfilled, disconnected, unsupported, lonely, fearful, incomplete…), and how we feel about ourselves (lonely, afraid, not pretty enough, not smart enough, anxious…)
And until we address those root causes, we will never change the way we experience love.
These shifts go deep, but with our guidance, they don’t have to be hard.
In fact, you can start making them right now, and see immediate progress in your love life.
You just need a guide that helps you identify what these shifts are, how to make them, and how to keep them.
Our program, Attracting Genuine Love, is that guide. And it’s guaranteed to help you make changes with lifelong results, if you are ready to make them."
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